Get Your Spy On Chapter 2

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 2

Alex’s POV

Wendy Pierce. Wendy Pierce is the most beautiful girl in the entire world. The way her shiny black hair bounces when she walks or when she cheers in her cheerleading outfit how perky she looks. I’ve even written a few poems about her, I know, creepy. I’m not creepy though, I just love her.

I remember when she first spoke to me in third grade. I was walking my dog and she was running with her family, all of them could be on the front cover of a sports magazine. She smiled at me, a genuine smile, not those smiles you get politely when you stare at someone. I said hello to her and she said hi back, and we would have talked more if it weren’t for her father telling her not to talk to strangers.

I wasn’t a stranger though, and her father knew that as well. My dad and her dad hang out with each other almost every day, and they’re constantly calling each other in the middle of the night. I love how our father’s talk to each other and they probably talk about us too, so her father knows I’m a good guy, perfect for her daughter.

But no, he hasn’t told me it’s okay to ask his daughter out, and whenever I try to say hi to Wendy, she quickly turns away and talks to other kids. My father has given me strict instructions to not try out for any sports because what I’m able to do is nearly impossible. If I did sports, everyone would think I’m on drugs the way I run and catch things. I’m not the only one though, Sloane Adams is just like me.

We both are okay friends, but mostly we just talk if we run into each other, it’s not like we text each other or anything. I’ve asked Ben, my older brother, what Sandy and her family are like, but he just says they’re a nice family, very quiet.

I don’t believe that though. Sandy isn’t quiet, in fact she’s one of those people if you mention her name, odds are they’ll know who you’re talking about. Now if you say Sloane’s name, you will get a confused look, but I’m getting off subject now.

I walk into school and see Sloane running to her class, her head down, ignoring anybody who says something to her. I see Wendy hanging with her popular friends and feel my hands start clamming up. How do you talk to a girl who is so popular that guys like me, Alex Dover, who people barely know, date a girl like her?

My best friend, Tyler Len walks up to me and follows my gaze. He shakes his head at me and pushes his glasses to the bridge of his nose. “I don’t understand your mind, Alex. You like the girl, but yet you can’t go up and say hi. Do you even know what her favorite color is?”

“No,” I answer back, shooting him a look. “That doesn’t matter though, what matters is that I think she’s a great person and hot at that, and I hope I can learn more about her once we’ve had a proper date.”

“Like you’ll ever get a date with her,” Tyler says, snorting out loud. I glare at him and begin walking to my class, ignoring him yelling my name. “Alex, I was just joking!”

I sit down in my seat and stare straight at Wendy’s empty seat, worrying if something went wrong. Right when the bell rings, she flies into the room and sits down just as the teacher walks in. The teacher smiles at us, then starts talking about the difference between something and something else I didn’t catch. I stare at the back of Wendy’s head, wondering what I see in her. There isn’t a reason I’m attracted to her, but it’s more like I need to write about her or talk about her.

Of course when I think about her, she’s not really her though. Like when I think about her I think about this super sweet girl like she is, but back in third grade, she wasn’t like that. She was sort of a bully to some people and didn’t get along well with kids, but when she got sent to the principals office and her parents had to come, it all changed.

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