Get Your Spy On Chapter 14

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Get Your Spy On

Chapter 14

Alex’s POV

Four squads rushed out of the headquarters, and into cars. Guns were being loaded in all directions, and then I saw Shane and Bebe run out the door and into an awaiting car. Wendy is by my side, watching everybody, her eyes widened. I turn around to say something, but the secretary grabs both of us and quickly takes us to the weapon room. She’s about to punch in a code to open the door, when Ben appears, shaking his head at her.

“That won’t be needed. We just got a call and the secret agents are running away from us. They can’t find Sloane and Eric though, and something’s telling me time is running out on them. There’s no way they could’ve taken them on.”

Wendy took a step toward Ben, looking frightened. “Sloane and Eric are in danger? We have to go and see if-“

Ben put his hand up to her face to shut her up. “We need you two to stay here just in case the secret agents decide to do a sneak attack on us.”

He turns to the secretary and gives her a quick nod before turning on his heels and speed walking to another room. The secretary takes both of us to another room, filled with kids around our age. I’m about to ask what’s going on, when the secretary starts talking.

“The Alpha has been notified-“

All of a sudden two older men rush inside the room, taking gasping breaths as if they just ran a five mile run. “One of them was shot. When Bebe got there she saw a secret agent had a gun to a girls head and shot him before he could kill the girl. The boy with the girl is badly wounded though. He’s losing a lot of blood-“

The secretary ignores him, and takes a few kids in the corner of the room and grabs them. She looks at each of them, hatred running through her. “The secret agents are ambushing us one by one. We’re starting to think it’s somebody on the inside doing this. You three have been running your mouth to them, haven’t you?”

The youngest one, a girl with brunette hair, trembled underneath her grip. “No, not at all! I’m sure the secret agents have always known where the headquarters are held, but didn’t attack. Just like we know where their headquarters are at.”

The secretary lets go of the three, and storms out of the room. The two men follow her closely on her heels. The kids inside of the room murmur to each other, and then file out of the room. The secretary never explained why she put us in here, leaving me and the rest of the kids to wonder what’s going on. I turn to ask Wendy, but I stop myself when I see her on the ground, looking frozen.

I kneel down next to her on the ground, and pat her gently on the arm. “Are you alright?”

After a moment, she nods, but she looks shaky. She runs a hand through her black hair. “Sloane and Eric could’ve died.”

I wince, but nod. I try to not think overly about a knife wound or a bullet since I know we’ll all go through them regularly as we get older. It worries me though that Wendy, out of everyone, is scared about someone on our team getting hurt.

I help her up, and then we both head to the front of the building. Right away, I see a stretcher, and then Sloane running alongside it. She’s holding Eric’s hand, reassuring him that everything will be okay. Wendy runs to the stretcher and nearly gasps when she sees the wound. I refuse to go look, and instead I look away.

I feel eyes burning into me, and I know exactly who it is. I look up and see Sloane shaking her head at me, her eyes filled with disappointment and hurt. She turns back to Eric, who is being taken to another room. They kick Wendy and Sloane out, leaving them to wait outside.

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