You Promised Me

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So guys, here’s a new story I’ve been working on for awhile now and decided to share it with you! So, here it is!!


I sat in my room, packing the last suitcase. I’m having to move because of my moms new job transfer that’s “going to get us a lot more money” as she put it. But, it’s her choice in that matter.

I placed my last shirt in the suitcase and zipped up. I stood up and picked my suitcase up getting ready to go downstairs. I paused in the middle of the room and looked around one more time, turned, and walked out of the room leaving all the memories behind.

Once I got outside, I was gathered up in a huge bear hug from my best friend, Zane. I smiled sadly and dropped my suitcase wrapping my arms around his waist hugging him just as hard as he was me.

“Mace, I’m gonna miss you so much.” He whispered in my ear.

“I’m gonna miss you too Zane.” I said as my vision got blurry. I knew it was gonna be hard saying bye to Zane, but I didn’t know it was gonna be this hard.

“Please don’t forget me, Zane.” I whispered as another tear slid down my cheek. “I promise Macey. I’d never forget you.” He said as a tear slid down his cheek. I hugged him one last time and got in my car as my mom drove me and my brother away leaving all my memories behind.

I watched outside my window watching the scenery go by. I can not believe I am leaving all my friends and memories behind. This is my hometown, the place I grew up in and I’m just gonna leave it all behind? 

That is the same exact question I asked my mom when she told me we were moving. Her brilliant answer was, “Well, sweetie. We’ve been, not very good with money. I don’t know about you but I want more money honey!” I just rolled my eyes and ran to my room slamming my door in the process.

“Sweetie, we’re here.” My moms broke through my thoughts.

Hm I must have dozed off without realizing it.

“O-ok mom. Be out in a minute.” I said stretching, loosening up all my muscles and popping my back, neck, and knuckles. I know, a terrible habit but I have to do it to get loosened up or after being in the car for so long.

I gave the place a once over and found it to be a pretty nice sized house. Definitely bigger than our last one but not quite a mansion.

It was a beige color with a black roof and a chimney to the far right of the house. It’s a beach house, which is nice.

All in all, it’s a beautiful house.

I grabbed my two suitcases and walked up the front steps. Now, don’t go thinking I only have two suitcases worth of clothes. I have WAY more than that but the moving truck brought the rest of it.

I opened the big wooden door and walked inside andI was instantly engulfed in that new house smell.

I sighed and walked in to what I guess was the living room and saw my mom and brother in there along with my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Rick who live in another beach house close by.

“Macey. My oh my darling how you’ve grown.” My aunt gushed as she pulled me into a tight hug. I just smiled and pulled away.

“I’ve missed you kiddo. No one to harass on those grouchy old neighbors of ours.” He said winking at me and pulling me into a hug.

I couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped before I instantly stopped and pulled back.

My mom sighed. “Macey, dear why don’t you go pick out the room you want.” She said with a sad look on her face. Well, she deserves to be sad. I just rolled my eyes and pulled my suitcases up the stairs.

I picked the last bedroom at the end of the hall for my room since it resembles my feelings. Dark and lonely.

I walked in my room and saw that it was painted, of course, beach themed. Everything had the beach theme going on. There was a glass of shells on the opposite wall sitting on a desk. One of the walls was even painted as the sunset over the ocean. It was a gorgeous room but not, me.

I walked over my closet and opened it to see a small walk in closet, a perfect size for all my clothes.

I started unpacking all my stuff from my suitcases, which included grooming supplies, some of my clothes, my laptop that kind of stuff. 

I picked up my phone and laid down on my bed and scrolled through my contact list. When I got to Zane’s name, a lump formed in my throat.

Will he keep texting me like he promised? Or will he just get sucked into the life of popularity and forget little ole me?

All these questions were swimming around my head and I finally decided to call him.

It rang three times before he picked up.

“Mace?” He answered.

My tears that were building up before instantly poured out at the sound of his voice.

“Z-Zane.” I sobbed.

“Sh, Mace It’s gonna be ok. I promise.”

“Are you sure, Zane?” I asked once I calmed down a little.

“Positive. Listen Mace, Jamie is here. I gotta go. Call me soon, ok? Love you, Kitti.”

I chuckled a little remembering the nickname he gave me back in third grade when I played the cat in our school play.

I sighed. “Ok Zane. Love you too, monkey.” I said smiling through my tears remembering when he thought he was a monkey in second grade and trying to swing on the monkey bars on the playground and wound up breaking his arm.

He chuckled too obviously remembering the memory too.

“Bye.” Was the last thing he said then hung up.

I sighed and laid my phone down on the bed.


So I hope you guys liked it! Vote, comment, tweet, add to library, anything!! So, today my friend was like "Madison, since you know I've been home for awhile do you think I can come over and maybe stay the night?" And I was like, "Shelby, you know you don't have to ask you can just come over." And she said "Yea, I know." Best friends, you gotta love them(: Anyways, I'm rambling so, THANKS FOR READING!!! Song of the day is Broken by Seether and Amy Lee. I also made a facebook page, the link is in the external link!

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