The only ones I need. But she has to ruin it

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I saw a flash o black then my hair being pulled and head hit the ground and everything faded to black...
"Aqua please wake up please" I hear one voice say.
"Dude you need to calm down" I hear another one say.
"How can you say that SHES  NOT YOUR ONLY FAMILY LEFT!!"
"Have you ever thought that maybe other people love her to she's my only friend at least you have people who accept you she's the only one who has accepted me"
"Guys you need to step out this arguing does nothing she wouldn't want you to be sad or mad she'd want you happy so go calm down" I hear grumbling and stomping then the door slam and someone move closer. "Aqua you need to wake up" the person grabs my hand. "Jace has gone crazy and Clara is not to better. I had to restrain them from at taking your step mother" he takes a breathe. "I know your not noticed by to many people and mistreated and unloved by most. But that's not how everyone is I know your happy and can pull through it. An in the small time I've known you I've seen that you can make the whole world a better place by just the move of your tiny pinky finger. I've seen that you make me a better person an I need you and have and Clara need you just please wake up your the only hope to make people find happiness and courage grace joy and make people see that kindness is the better choice" the person is about to leave but I squeeze their hand. They gasp. "Come on Aqua open your eyes I know you can do it" I slowly open my eyes to sea green ones.
"Connor?" He nods. "That was beautiful but I'm sticking around it will take more than pulling my hair to get rid of me" he laughs.
"Jace Clara! Shes awake!" He yells. Jace hurts through the door with Clara in tow. Clara comes towards me and hugs me.
"I was so worried" she says. I hug her back.
"It's okay I'm here now smile it takes more muscles to frown" she laughs.
"Still intact" she looks serious now. "Why in the name of cheese would you not tell me about the whips" my eyes widen. I look at Jace. He puts his arms up and points to Connor.
"It was him!" I look at Connor. He shrugs.
"We're friends we need to help each other with our problems and how can we help if we don't know what's happening" I sigh.
"Thanks but I didn't want her to go all killer on my step mother I don't need her in jail I need her with me" Clara nods.
"She's got a point" she hugs me. "You know me so well" I shrug.
"Yeah well I'm stuck with ya" we laugh. Then the nightmare comes into the room with murderous eyes.

And all I can think is.

I'm in deep trouble.
Ik Ik short again boo HOO go cry in a corner if u don't like my style then either don't read or read and just not criticize others style.

I spoil you guys you get long chapters all the time and posts mostly every day but u can't get used to it because with school it's not happening I wish it could but it can't because of school tiring me out with homework and other things. (Like annoying boys in science who never shut up and intentionally annoy me) never mind that but I also have sports I mean if I want to be in hockey for college than I need to step up my game.

So I got a life outside wattpad u all do to (well mostly I hope) so u can relate.

Luv y'all ❤️

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