Chapter 7

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I start waking up to a bunch of lightness. My eyes are wide and blankly open with my brain all nice and clear. My dear hospital room that I assume that I will be out of soon.

      After 20 minutes of lying in bed I finally get up and out of bed and get dressed. My mom and dad walk in to see how I was doing and if I need anything. I told her I made a new friend names Justin. We walk down to the hospitals cafeteria so I can have food. My parents kept talking to people on the way. I got agitated after the fifth time and said " Come on mom I kinda have a condition wear I have to eat food." Which made her laugh but she finally let me get some grub.

        When I get out of the line I see my friend sitting In the corner reading a book and what looks like a bagel. I slide right next into him slightly bumping into my friend. "Good morning." I say. My parents sit across from us as I start chugging down food. My mom gives me a look as to say use manners. "Hi, when did you get here?" He asks.
"A few minutes ago." I say." Um, this is my parents." I say.

"Hello! I'm Arianna's mom but you can call me hazel." She says while shaking his hand.
"I'm her father and you can call me Chris." My dad says. They both shake hands.
We all sit there in silence for a while. Mini conversations between my parents and that's about it.
"Sweetie did your brother tell your about Monday?" My mother says.
"Yes, but do I have to go ? I don't think it will help any." I say.
"Yes. You do. You need to make more friends and find your personality." She says. But, that makes no sense I still have my personality.

      They end up leaving because they needed to get ready for work. Justin pretty much stayed quiet the whole time and was tensed and awkward. He went back to his slouched position he was like when I found him.

"Are you alright." I say " Did you see a cat trying to shoot a donkey." I say sarcastically while laughing.
"I'm scared to talk to people I don't know." He says.
"Oh. Well do you want to hang out today."
"Yeah. Hey how about we take a trip around the city or something." He says." Go shopping or something take a trip to the book store. You know, a  trip to the new world." He says weirdly." I uh, mean to get your memory back."he says
I give out a little laugh." Sure why not." I give a big smile, and we head out to his car. We listen to music really loud and you can tell we are being silently judge by the other people in the cars. But I wouldn't want to forget this moment any time. All I want is to Remember.


I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while I have meant to but school got in the way and I had little bit of writers block. But today my cousin found out ffdp broke up. It's sad no more great songs... I will update soon and I hope you liked this chapter 😎 ~Nelly_thefangirl

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