Chapter 10

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I wake up breathing heavenly. I find a annoying breathing mask which i took off and threw across the room and heard a 'ow' and looked over to find my brother sitting. He finally looks over and his eyes are wide." Your awake let m-"
"Where's Justin." I say.
"Um nerd boy? He is down the hall."I sit up and get dizzy. I brush it off and try to stand up and Ryan makes me sit back down.
"No no no no. You can't get up I need to get a nurse so I can tell them your awake and they can check and see if your okay." He says sternly.
"I'm fine! All I want is to get out if this bed and gown and wear actual clothes ,walk, and talk to my only friend! I feel fine! If you won't let me get up then get my clothes and my friend!" I yell this which makes him obey and gets me some clothes and he exits the room and I change as fast as I can so Justin doesn't see me in my under clothes. He knocks. "Comes in!" I say loud enough for him to hear.
"Hey. How are you?" He says. His voice is raspy and I think he has been crying all night." Good. How is Emily? Is she okay?" I say.
"She is on life support. 50 out of 100 chance she will survive. Her lungs just-they are worse than a 30 year old smoker." He says. He lets out a little laugh and smiles for maybe a mila second. "Has a doctor seen you yet arrie?" He finishes.

"No but I'm fine really." I say
"Can I at least get my mom?" At that moment she walks in face all red and eyes all glassy.
"Well Arianna. You brother said you out up a fight about this but I got to check you out, okay." I nod and she does all these things that I have know idea is what so I just sit and obey.

After that is done and over she leaves. This time I sit up slowly so I won't be as dizzy and I do the same while standing, and hold onto Justin shoulder for support so I won't fall. I let go but a few steps later I prepare for hitting the ground till he catches me.
"I'm getting you a wheel chair." He says and helps me back over to my bed.

Once he gets the wheel chair and I sit in it he wheels me to the garden the hospital has. "Hey arrie. Just so you know if your fine tomorrow morning you get to go to school. You missed today so they will be expecting you tomorrow. Um I have four hours left till I have to go home with my mom . We can go to the store and get you school supplies?" He says
I smile widely and say "Yeah, sure why not."


We exit out of wall-e world with my supplies and stuff. I decided I could walk with out the wheel chair. Even though I might have fallen in the middle of Wall-E world because I tripped over my own two feet but, I'm good.

It's 7:30 in the evening and the nurse said tomorrow I will be going home. But I don't want to go to that place. It won't feel like home to me. It doesn't have my friend and the nice people who feel like family. Justin helps me pack up my book bag and clothes for tomorrow." Hey I need to go but I will be here in the morning to make sure your up and take you to school." He says.
"Okay. Well I'll see you tomorrow." I say looking up from my stuff. He stands there staring at me. I just stood there locked into his gaze. After a while it was starting to get awkward so I broke the silence."Thank you for every thing." I say. I see his mom coming down the hall way." Um. Looks like your mom is here. " He turns around to see what I'm talking about and smiles." Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow Arianna." He says and walks away leaving me there alone in my room. I'll see him tomorrow. I say to my self, and watch him disappear down the hall way.

Hello friends! Well that was interesting wasn't it! Okay this kinda turn out bad but yea know it always gets better. Chapter 11 will be up soon and just so you guys know I'm going to a place with my school Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. So I will be writing and stuff but won't be able to update unless ( if I'm lucky) there is wifi so ... Hope you liked the chapter AND please vote and let me know you feed back so I can fix things and make them better! - Nelly_thefangirl

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