Chapter 19

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       As i wake up I hear"Fucking potholes." Of course it's Justin. I must have fallen asleep so the first thing that came out of my mouth was."What about them." I say groggily. I try to smile but, it was an epic fail." I'm sorry either I was yelling to loud or the dang pot holes woke you up." He says. I let out a small giggle." It was neither,I guess I had to wake up at the weird moment of you yelling about pot holes." I say smiling while looking like a zombie." The government has all this money and stuff. Yea they have to pay debts but, care about your own country before the others. We needs un-bumpy roads, and I don't know a better education." He says. He looks really mad but, happy at the same time. "Calm down. Just drive alright." I say. I look at the cars console to see what time it is, and find that it's ten o' clock." I-I'm screwed. I'm going to be grounded. If they find out I'm out with a boy out this late at night there going to suspect things. I need to get home." I say while panicking. "Hey just calm down. Use my phone to call them to tell them your on your way home. Tell them we went to the ice cream parlor, and then went to meet Courtney and Nate at the park and lost time ok-" I interrupt is words." I don't even know who they are!" I say while freaking out. He hands me his phone." Your mother does just call her and tell her that because that's mostly true." He says. I wait for my self to calm down, and then decide to calm down. As I swipe left I realize there's a password." What's your password?" I ask. "5436" as I type it in I find that his background is a picture of me, and him. I don't remember that being taken. I decide to try, and ignore that, and go ahead, and call my mom. She picks up the phone, and before she can say a thing I quickly say my excuse. "Okay just next time have your phone on you, and have it fully charged. I didn't think about calling Justin's phone. It's alright sweetie. Just don't go past your curfew again okay?" My mother says." Okay thank you mom." I quickly hang up to find that picture again. I want to ask but, all I can do is stare at it." So is everything fine?" Justin asks. I don't answer and just keep staring at the picture. I feel the car come to a complete stop. "What's wrong? Earth to Arrie! Are you- Oh." He says. I look up to find that I'm in my drive way. I set his phone down, and open the door, and head into my house. Even though I remember most of the memories I just don't understand the kissing, and hugging thing. I'm to scared to ask though. At one time were we a thing? Or were we just really weird friendly friends.
    I walk in to find my mom sitting reading a book while my dad on the other hand decided to get up from watching football, and yell at me." You went pass your curfew!" He says kinda loudly." I know, and I feel bad, and I- we lost track of time, and-" he interrupts me." We? As in you, and that boy!" His voice gotten louder." He wasn't the only one with me!" I yell. I know I'm making a lie but it's basically true. We didn't do anything bad." Chris she didn't-" he starts actually yelling." I don't care Hazel! That curfew is to show that she is safe and no one has hurt her!" He yells." Why are you yelling at me for one little accident! It's just this one time I mess up! I only have a few weeks worth of memory, and I may have change in the fifteen years I've been alive! This is one little incident! Just leave me alone I'm tired!" I say really loudly. I go to my room, and look at my phone to find 5 messages.
Arrie are you okay?

Please talk to me!

What did I do wrong!

Please pick up your phone!

I care about you.

Please call me when you get this.

It would probably make sense for him to get an explanation. I just decide to call him. Right after the first ring he picks up." Thank goodness! What happen? Screw that I'm just glad your okay!" He says. I stay silent for a second and just say."He thinks I'm a liar."

"Who does? Your father?"he says worriedly."Yeah."I say while tearing up." He got mad. My mom isn't though. She sees it as a accident he sees as me being not responsible.I think there arguing down stairs. They've been like that for the past few weeks. I'm so confused."I say. As silence gets taken over the phone my mother walks in." Arrie your going to stay with Ryan for tonight. He is already coming to pick you up.Get a bag ready I'll have some one pick you up tomorrow if not then you can go hang out with a friend for the day. Okay?" I nod, and she heads out of my room."What was that about?" Justin asks. " I guess ill be sleeping on my brothers couch tonight. Hey can you pick me up there tomorrow at his house, and we can go do something?I think all of this negativity is getting to me." I say. He lets out a short laugh."Yeah sure.Where does he live?" I  hear a loud honk meaning he is here. I realized I haven't packed anything so I just grab my old book bag, and stuff a shirt and a pear of pants, and grab my phone charger. I  head out the door, and as I'm walking I remember I'm talking to Justin."Hey, um I'll text you that I have to ask him. I need to go."I say really fast. All I hear is him saying bye, and I hang up the phone, and open the door to Ryan's car."It took you long enough.Were you talking to your boy-" I interrupt." Like I said he isn't my boy friend. He is just my friend. Now will you tell me the street you live on?" I say. He lets out a small laugh."Sure he isn't. And um it is fourth house on the right on boulevard street." He says. As I text the information to Justin we show up at Ryan's apartment. We walk into his house I sit on his couch while he keeps on walking to his room and yells"Good night! And if you want some blankets and pillows there in the closet." He closes his door. I sit there and decide to lay on the couch in the clothes I wore here. I don't know which closet he is talking about so I guess I'll just lay here, freezing because the A/C makes his house cold. As I lay there I just stare at the ceiling. I'm not able to sleep so I just sit there thinking. Maybe every one feels bad for me and that's why nothing feels real. Only my friendship with Justin. I think.I sit up and stare at the wall. This is going to be a long night, I say to my self.


Hello mud bloods! Well i have decided that in the next few chapters something really big is going to happen so be looking out for that! The picture above is not mine i found that off of google. So credits to who ever made that! Sooooo i hope you guys liked the new chapter and i will update it soon!~Nelly_thefangirl

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