Best Adventure (Question 12; Jake)

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Pupapan123 said: "Jake, what's your favorite adventure you've ever had?"

Jake: Godspeed that is very hard to answer!
Jake: Apologies for such an outburst but its quite a difficult question for me to answer. I have had many fun times!
Jake: Would it be too cheesy to say my life so far? I mean every day i have a new *wondrous* adventure waiting for me and my chums!
Jake: And all those adventures wrap up into the greatest adventure of all. Life.
Jake: Watching anime with Dirk partying with Roxy and baking with Jane are all adventures that were very swell and i could never choose one of the other when it comes to friendship!
Jake: My life is a movie that is barely into the first half hour, and i am not leaving this amazing movie until it is finished! Just like weekend at bernies.
Jake: My life is very adventurous and it is the biggest and best adventure i have ever had!

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