A MONSTER?!?!?!?

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'A MONSTER?!?!?!? THAT'S WHAT SHE THINKS I AM???? A MONSTER? DID SHE SEE THAT THING THAT RAN OFF INTO THE JUNGLE???? ' I was pissed when she called me that so I roared at her. She screamed and backed away from me. Owen could tell that she has pissed me off by calling me a monster. "Claire! She isn't a monster. Heck she is the one that saved my life. If it wasn't for her I could have been dino food." he looked at this white dressed white who's name is "Claire". She looked at me as some beast. Some monster that could eat her in one bite. Well I could eat her in one bite.....But I think she would taste like a bitter old piece of meat. She still wasn't sure if she should get close or run for the hills. I looked at the jungle where the beast retreated to. Owen knew what I was thinking and on the look on his face says he don't like it. "Don't think about it! She might kill you if you both get in to a fight. I mean look at the new scars you are going to have now." He looks at me and the look on Clair's face tells me she don't like his idea. 'She still thinks I'm the monster when that beast is free in the park. She is worried about me running around the park? I haven't even eaten one human and she has eaten about 3? Or more?' I started to walk into the jungle to fallow the beast and try to stop her from eating anyone else. Owen was calling my name as I kept walking then Owen finally got me to stop. I looked down at him and tilted my head at him. "(Y/N) can you please follow us then go off to the jungle?" I gave a small nod and started to follow him. He walked to "Claire" and told her I was fallowing them. The look on her face could tell you she was scared to death of a 7 ton dinosaur with sharp teeth fallowing her. She slowly got into her car and waited for Owen to get in the car and started to drive off. I turned to follow them. We then get to the gates and I stayed in the jungle since the men at the gates have guns that could knock me out or kill me. I watched as Owen and Claire got out of the car and started to walk to the gates, I heard this kind of ring thing that Claire had in her hand. I was listening to her talk on her black box thing "Get the boys and go somewhere safe. What you mean they are gone!" that's all I heard before I turned to leave. 'I don't care if that beast is bigger then I, but this beast isn't going to eat some small humans.' I shook my head and looked around. 'What am I thinking?!?!?! I should be eating these small humans not saving them!!!!! I think I have gone soft. Why have I gone soft? Wait I think why! It is because I want to make Owen happy! I want to befriend him.' I shook my head and kept walking. I was looking for something to eat. I mean if you haven't eaten since this morning and it wasn't that big. I walked till I found a dead body of an Ankylosaurus. It looks like it was trying to fight back but there was a deep slash on its front leg. 'It didn't have a chance to fight back' I looked at it closely 'The neck on it is snapped' I turned my head to find a broken glass hamster ball. I looked down to find small foot prints of small humans and some big ones of a monster. I followed them to a clearing then to a water fall. 'They must have jumped. They were some brave humans or nuts." I looked around to find that the mud had prints. 'Well they made out alive, but lets hope she don't find them first.' I looked for a way down that wouldn't wound me. I finally found a spot but it still slippery. As I walked down I slipped and rolled down the hill. At the bottom I laid there my (s/c) covered in mud. I lifted my head and shook it and got back on to my feet. 'That could have been worst if it wasn't for the mud.' I started to walk looking for the small humans wondering if I'm not to late.

(Owen Grady x T-rex Reader) Another Day in ParadiseWhere stories live. Discover now