Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen 


"Do you have to go in there with me?" I asked Ethan as we stood outside of Harry Reid's art studio. It was a medium size modern glass building, from the outside you could see a lot of the different types of art on the walls with a naked sculpture of a woman in the center. The reception desk was near the door and was shaped like waves with a woman in front of a computer behind it.

"Alpha gave me strict orders to be with you at all times especially when we're in public places."

"Fine." I huff as Ethan opened the door for us. Walking to the reception's desk I smiled. "Hi, I'm Ellie Steward and I'm here for Harry Reid's art class."

A look of shock took over her face, "Did you say, Harry Reid?" I nodded. "Sorry, it's just that he doesn't allow many people to join his class."

She was a young blonde, probably not much older than myself. She wore glasses that hid her bright blue eyes and had hair tied up in a tight bun.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, he selected them himself." She smiled up at me. "Ellie Steward, you said?

"Yes." I nodded.

"Phone number and email address please?" As I listed off my information she typed it into the computer. "Okay all set, you will be in room 304, that is down the hall and the first door on the right."

"Thank you." We started walking in the direction of the art class when she calls out for us.

"Excuse me?" She stopped us. "Are you in the class as well?" She asked looking at Ethan.

"No," I answered for him. "He's my bodyguard." When I said that her whole demeanor had changed. She wasn't the helpful receptionist she was a lion on the search for her prey.

"Sorry but no extra people are allowed. He's very strict." She faked a sad voice before pulling her hair from its bun.

"Oh, that's okay I'll just stay out here then." Ethan winked at her.

"So much for Alpha's strict orders," I told him through our mind link.

"Sue me I haven't gotten laid in a while."

With Ethan being my bodyguard for these past few weeks I had grown a liking to him, in a sense, he was like an annoying little brother. I couldn't blame him for wanting to have some fun considering all he did all day was follow me around like some guard dog.

"Fine, see you in an hour," I said walking into the room. There were only a couple of tables sat up, with five people in the room including Harry. "Ms. Steward, you made it."

"Yes, of course." I shut the door behind me.

"Good, why don't you have a seat?" He gestured to the desk in front of the class. I nodded and sat down but not without noticing some of the glares that were sent my way by the other classmates.

He smiled at me, "Today we will be working with clay. Make whatever you like as long as you use the coil method. Get to work." He instructed.

I was both nervous and excited. Clay was one of my favorite things to work with but I hadn't worked with it for years now, I wasn't even sure if I still knew what the coil method was. I walked over to the desk that had the different types of clay set up. I chose a large amount of white clay and headed back over to my seat. After forty-five minutes I had created a medium round shaped vase with varies amounts of circular coils around it. I was done with shaping it, it just needed to be dried and then I would be able to paint it. "Nice work Ms. Steward," Harry said to me as he eyed my work.

"Thank you. I know I can do better I just haven't worked with clay in such a long time."

"There's always next class." When the class ended I went back to the receptions desk to find it empty, not a sight of the receptionist or Ethan.

"I'll meet you back at the hotel." I mind linked Ethan knowing he and the receptionist were still busy.

"No, stay there. I'm on my way." He replied back instantly.

"You deserve some fun. Plus, the hotel is only a couple of blocks away. I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yes," I said before blocking him out. I left the art studio headed down the street. I was passing an alley when someone pulled me in and covered my mouth with their hands to muffle my screams.

"Nice to finally meet you, Ellie."


"What happen in here?" Adam asked when he came back in.

After a few minutes the rouge had woken back up, and I poured acid on him until he told me what exactly he meant and why he had brought my mate up. Apparently, somehow the rogues found out that my mate was in New York and have been stalking her ever since. He also had told me about how he was able to cover his scent, it was through some mixture that some scientific had created. Afterward, he told me this I snapped his neck, killing him.

"Burn his body and meet me in my office," I ordered him and left the dungeon.

I needed to hurry and get to my office so that I could call my mate and tell her to get back her ASAP. I wish she wasn't so far so that I could mind-link her or I had my cell phone on me. I had a cellphone but it was lost in my room somewhere and I usually didn't use it anyways because I could just mind link people.

When I got to my office I immediately called Ellie phone to only be sent to voicemail. I then called Ethan and his phone did the exact same thing. I called them both again and the result was the same, straight to voicemail. "What the fuck!" I yelled.

"What's going on?" Adam asked when he entered my office as I threw my phone at the wall.

"I can't reach my mate or Ethan." I felt my wolf whimpered.

"Did that rogue say something?" He said putting two and two together.

"They got eyes on her."


"I have no idea." I walked out my office with Adam hot on my heels.

If anything happens to my mate I will kill Ethan and all the rogues involved.

"Where are you going?"

"New York."

John Legend: All of Me

Ellie's Vase

Ellie's Vase

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