Chapter Eighteen: Resisting the Female Beta

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Chapter Eighteen: Resisting the Female Beta 


"Eww, are you serious?" My face covered in disgusted. "She cannot be in this pack," I stubbornly stomped my feet.

Annoyed he leaned back in his desk chair, "Ellie, what do you want me to do, she's his mate and now the female Beta in this pack."

"Who do you think the pack needs more, a Luna or a female Beta?" I stood in front of him.

"Ellie you're being unreasonable." He said sounding exasperated.

"Are you choosing her over me?" I yelled dramatically. I knew that he was trying to make us all happy in this situation but that didn't hinder my angry. A wolf from the Moon Light pack had no reason to be in the pack that I am Luna of.

My issue with the Moon Light pack began when they had been the reason for the death of people in my pack when they did not inform us of the rogue attack. If they had both of my parents would still be alive and so would many others in our pack.

"Ellie, stop with the dramatics." He signed in annoyance, "Natalie is Adam's mate and she is now part of the pack. There is nothing you or anyone else can do about it."

"Fine," I reluctantly agreed, "But don't expect me to be friends with her, she and her pack is still the enemy."

"Ellie you're not friends with anyone in the pack, trust me, I had no expectations."

"Wow," I nodded feeling taken back by his words, "Now, I'm a bad Luna, this just keep getting better and better."

He sighed, "I'm not gonna argue with you, but you will be respectful towards her. We don't need any petty drama in this pack."

"Yeah, I'll be the judge of that." With that, I left his office and headed to my art studio.

After about an hour I struggled to be inspired by anything in this room, putting on my shoes I then grabbed my camera and headed outside. Talking pictures always worked to get my creative juices flowing, and this was no different. The birds, the small animals, even the little kids running around in the pack all inspired me.

"Hey, Luna Ellie right," Turning around I was met with a tall and slim brunette girl walking towards me. With a smile, she said, "My name is Natalie I'm Adam's mate and the new female Beta."

"Oh, sorry there's must be a mistake," I fake a soft and non-bitchie voice. "I'm Katie just a regular member in the pack."

"Oh," She frowned, "Sorry about that Katie, I'm Natalie." She took her hand out for me to shake, only for me to ignore it and her to pull it back when she noticed.

"Nice to meet you." I forced a fake smile,

"Well, um, have you by any chance seen the Luna I'm trying to introduce myself to her."

"Haven't seen her at all. Anyway, I must be off now, have a good one." Feeling pleased with my deceitfulness I skipped away happily.

"See you later Katie," She yelled after me.

"Hopefully not," I mumbled under my breath as I made my way back home.


"Did you have to do that? Natalie is a pretty nice girl,"

She rolled her eyes, "She interrupted my creativity."

"She just wanted to introduce herself." He tried to reason.

I shrugged, "She did,"

He glared at me, "To Ellie, not Katie."

"I thought Katie was a pretty cool chick," I resorted.

"Can you just try to be nice to her, it means a lot to me and Adam?"

"Fine, next time that I see her I'll try to be nice to her but no promise." I teased.


"She is the enemy at least I'm actually going to try." Considering this was from Ellie, this was definitely a step up since she never really tried at anything.

"Fine," I agreed, "Anyways what did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, yeah," She opened her folder, "I did some research and I found a few places that I can do the art show at."

"Ellie with the rogues still out there I don't think that is the best idea," I said waiting for the cries and tantrums that were to come.

"Why not?" She whined.

"It's not safe,"

"Noah come on, we can have guards at every entrance and exit."

"How about we have it here? The pack would love to see your work and if you want we can even invite a few non-pack members here?" I tried to reason with her.

She climbed onto my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck, "Noah I want to be taken seriously in the art word,"

Feeling surprised by her boldness I paused before responding, "And you will be, let me make a few calls and we'll have all the art freaks that you want here."

"Fine," She compromised, "But I want to do it when my family comes so that they can be here."

Knowing that a lot would be going on around that time I was hesitant about doing so but to make Ellie happy I would do anything, "Okay, but you must be nice to Natalie and start making friends in the pack."

"Okay but I want a fancy dress."

"May I remind you that I am the one doing you a favor."

"Please." She begged.

"You owe me, big time."

Jhené Aiko: New Balance

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