Chapter Twenty-Seven: Resisting the Urge to be Nice

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Hi, Guys! I know it's been a while but I had so much writer's block for this chapter and then my life kinda got crazy so that is why this chapter is coming a few months late. I want to thanks, all you guys who continued to support this story despite my absence.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Resisting the Urge to be Nice 


After Avery had calm down she had told us that because of Ryan's severe injuries they had no choice but to transport him to Moonlight Pack, being that it was much closer than coming all the way here

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After Avery had calm down she had told us that because of Ryan's severe injuries they had no choice but to transport him to Moonlight Pack, being that it was much closer than coming all the way here. With that news in mind, we wasted no time making our way to the Moonlight Pack. As soon as we arrived we were ushered to the Pack hospital and greeted by no other than Luna Hailee, the bitch herself.

"I'm very sorry for everything that been happening." She said as she went to hug Alex then Lily, completely ignoring me which I couldn't help but scoff at. Yes, she and I didn't start off on the best of terms, and I would have probably treated her the exact same way if the shoe was on the other foot, but you would think she would have a little more class considering the situation that we were in. Rolling my eyes, I let it go, being that there were much more important things going on.

"Thank you." Alex told her. She sent an empathetic smile before gesturing for us to follow her inside the pack hospital. Once we entered the hospital Alex was instantly introduced to their pack doctor before being escorted to where Ryan was, while we sat in the waiting room. Over the next few days, we were stationed at The Moonlight Pack, waiting for Ryan, who was expected to make a full recovery, to wake up.

While we waited I couldn't help but think of Uncle Paul and his lies and how they affected our family. At first, I was furious with him, and then I was sad, knowing that I would never see him again, talk to him. He would never see the person that I would be become, the kids I would raise, the art that I would sell. It was heartbreaking. The man that had raised me as his own after my parents died had ultimately been the reason for their death. As much as I wanted to focus on the good in him, it was impossible to ignore all the pain he had brought us when all he had to do was be honest with us.

As soon as Ryan woke up he practically dragged Alex and the rest of his pack off Moonlight Pack's land, without even much as a thank you. It was quite rude, but knowing Ryan I should have expected it. Being the diplomatic person that Noah was he insisted that we not only say our goodbyes properly but that we also thank them for the hospitality. Much to my annoyance, I agreed.

I would never admit this out loud but I had gained a lot of respect for Moonlight Pack during our stay, they had accommodated us all, despite all the bad blood between my old pack and them. Not even my snarky remarks could push Hailee to throw us off her lands, she would just reply with an evenly match insult before brushing me off. As annoyed as I was that I was unable to get under her skin, I couldn't help but admire it a little. I would even go as far to say I tolerated her a lot better than Natalie, at least she put up a fight instead of letting me walk all over her. 

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