She sat there, silent and still. Waiting patiently for something unknown. It was raining softly, and she only had a gray beanie to keep herself warm, but she did not flinch or shiver. With her hands gripping a small purse, she simply sat on the damp park bench.
Watching. Waiting.
Many a passerby would glance and whisper her way, and children pointed, but she never seemed to notice. She breathed evenly, her breathe forming little clouds in the frosty air.
Suddenly, something catches her eye. Her mouth forms the tiniest of smiles, and her unnaturally bright but beautiful turquoise eyes narrow.
There's the one, she thought.
She hadn't always been this way, but she couldn't remember being anything else. Memories of the innocent little girl she once was have since been shoved into the back of her mind. The words were simple, but not easy to say or hear.
There's the one, she thought again. My first kill.
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General FictionPeople are destined for many different things. Some with greatness, some with fame, and some with great success. Others are destined for murder.