Chapter One

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She looked down at her lap, glancing up once in a while at the person walking her way. As he came closer, she got to take a good look at him. He had this dorkish look about him; his green eyes were bright, and his brown hair was trembling in the wind. He wore a hounds-tooth pattern scarf, white Converse, and a tan, leather jacket.

Damn, she thought. It'd almost be a crime to kill this one. Oh wait.

When he was about four feet away, she stealthily slid her purse onto the bench and walked away.

One, two, three...

"Hey, wait! Excuse me, miss? You left your purse!" A male voice hollered.
She put on a face of shock and confusion, and then turned around.

"Oh my gosh!" she said, walking briskly toward him. "Thank you so much!"
He chuckled shyly, and handed her purse to her.

"I'm Nathan. Nathan Hadley." he said, extending his hand.

"Tamara Knightly, but my friends call me Tammy. Well, if I had any friends," she said, shaking his hand.

"You from around here?"

"No, actually. I just moved here from Nevada."

"Nevada? Why move to Washington then? You've got Las Vegas, and we've got excessive amounts of Starbucks!"

Ha ha ha. So funny.

"Yeah, well, I used to travel around a lot, and thought that I would have to settle down eventually. So, I thought 'Why not beautiful, sunny Seattle?'" she said.

He laughed disbelievingly, and coyly raked his fingers through the back of his hair. Probably a habit.

"Oh, gosh, I'm sorry for not offering," he exclaimed, and started taking off his jacket.

"Oh, no it's-"

"I insist. Aren't you cold?" He wrapped the jacket over her shoulders.

"Aw, thank you. And I guess I was too lost in thought to notice."

Is this a girl's jacket? Smells like lilac...

He nodded. "How about I walk you home?" he suggested. She considered it for a moment.

Four, five, six...

"I don't bite."

Tamara squinted her eyes in playful suspicion.

"....or abduct random women off the street," he added.

''Off the street"?! Smooth. A real womanizer.

He smiled kindly. She returned it, and accepted. Her apartment wasn't too far from the park, anyways. They walked and talked about Nevada, and if she missed it. When they reached the apartment building, they stopped outside the lobby doors.

Tammy returned the jacket, and was just about to say goodbye when-

"Well, Tamara-also-called-Tammy, w- would you give me the honor of, uh..." he swallowed. "...getting to know you over coffee..?" he flashed a nervous, crooked grin.

"At one of the excessive Starbucks?"

"At one of the excessive Starbucks." he confirmed with a relieved laugh.


"Are you free tomorrow?" Nathan asked.

"Yeah! I just have to unpack the rest of my boxes, and I can meet you at noon-ish."

"Great, I can pick you up!" he said. "If- if you'd like, that is." he added.

"Sure, and thanks for the jacket."

"No problem. Lovely to meet you, Miss Tamara of Nevada."

Yeah yeah, don't flatter yourself, dork.

He bowed comically, and strode off. She could see him fist pump before he walked around the corner. She smiled and shook her head.

"À demain, Nathan." she said.

When he was out of sight, her expression changed drastically. Her smile turned into an ugly frown faster than the most advanced actress could ever pull off. The wind spiraled around her and tossed about her hair. She narrowed her eyes menacingly.

"Ten," she whispered.

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