Baby, Come Home

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((A/N~Flashbacks are in italics))

I tightened my dark coat as I walked down the street, through the summer rain. I looked down to avoid any chance of eye contact with anyone walking past me. I just watched my feet plummet into the occasional puddle, sending ripples throughout.

Puddles weren't the only things that had ripples. Life has ripples too, but those ripples aren't so easily identified as accidental or intentional like rain puddles. Real life ripples are out of nowhere. Real life ripples will leave you crippled in pain, or jumping in happiness. Real life ripples are either the best or worst parts of your existence.

We've all had our share of ripples. I've experienced the best ripples...

I was running late...again. My shift at the vinyl shop started in less than five minutes, and the run over would take at least ten. Why did the power go out in the middle of the night? Why did my phone alarm not go off?

I was running around a corner, when I ran right into another pedestrian. We both fell to the ground, groaning.

"Oh shoot, I'm really sorry!" I was trying to get to my feet, but kept stumbling.

"It's alright, dude." The stranger I knocked over held out his hand. I took it and he helped me to my feet.

"No, it's not! I-" I stopped talking when I saw the guy in front of me. He had dark black hair that covered one eye with a fringe. His other eye was masked with dark eyeliner, that really made the mixed colors of his iris pop.

He grinned at me, "I'm Pete..."

"Patrick..." I said, unable to take my eyes away from his.

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