11. Competitiveness

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[~Competitiveness~] 11/100 Drabbles|Bleach

"The annual festivities have started!"

"On the count of 1...2...3, JUMP!" an announcer rang the bell, and you jumped.

Today was the annual shinigami racing day. It's somewhat similar to the human world's sports days, but with activities that are harder and require better physical fitness and capabilities.

As such, the event you were in was called 'trust jump', where you had to jump from a height (varies from 5 to 20 metres) and onto a fellow division member's back (that's right, it's division against division) and the person had to sprint 100 metres to the finish line.

In your case, you jumped right into the comfortable and furry back of your division leader, Komamura. You were glad you weren't in some other person's division, because they were all bony and uncomfortable looking if you'd ever jumped onto them.

"Go, go, go, division leader!" You squealed, as he sprinted to the finish line.

This event was over very soon. Your division didn't win, but they did come 4th. 1st place was Soifon (2nd division) – she was very fast, even whislt carrying one of the lightest guys (who weren't even that light). 2nd palce was Byakuya of 6th division. 3rd place was Kenpachi of 11th division (surprisingly, he's pretty fast).

All in all, that was a good event. You guys were ready for more, but the moment you looked onto the score board, your expression dried. Your division was ¾ down the list for the total rankings.

"Oh well, we could try better in the next event." Komamura shrugged.

You looked to the next event, and your eyes gleamed.

The handstand partner hop race! You were one of the best at it. It was done in the flash of an eye.

You looked back onto the leadership board – and your division was still in the same place. This made something inside you snap.

It didn't help that Kenpachi had come up behind you, laughing.

In the following events, it was chaos. You competed in every single one, wanting to get your division up to a higher position. You beat a lot of competitors, and once you did, your laughter could be heard all over the field.

"Is she going to be ok?" Ichigo, who just came to watch, looked at her with a surprised expression.

Kenpachi laughed loudly, "If she were fine then she would probably take over the world hahaha!"

The red head stared at the division leader with a deadpanned expression.

So world domination, huh...

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