Project and Plans

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Once we arrived to my apartment. I unlocked the door and I was greeted with Plue running up to me and jumping into my arms. I laughed and hugged Plue. I then put Plue down and made my way to the kitchen.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I asked Natsu from across the room.

"Do you have any soda? I love root beer!" He replied

I chuckled and got a small can of root beer from my refrigerator, and then grabbed a bottle of water for me. I sat down with him, and we started talking about how we will write this chapter. We got to work at about 2:40, and we worked for a long time. At around 5, I stretched my arms out and yawned.

Natsu looked over to me and asked

"You tired Luce?" I shook my head

"We have to get this project done today because you have basketball practice tomorrow and it's due Friday so, let's get this done." I stated 

Natsu sighed. "I guess you're right" 

Once again we got to work, I was extremely tired, I kept yawning every other minute, finally at about 7, we finished! And our time was well spent because this story was amazing! I excitedly jumped up and cheered. Natsu looked at me like I was weird. I heard him mumble 'weirdo' I puffed out my cheeks in anger and called him pinkie.

"It's S-A-L-M-O-N!! Not pink! This hair is naturally salmon!" He cried

I chuckled and replied with "whatever you think.....pinkie" 

He groaned while I was laughing. 

"Well I need to go now, bye Luce!" Natsu called out to me while jogging out the door

After he left and I shut and locked the door, I cleaned up our work space. After I finished. I realized that I needed dinner. I sighed in defeat while I went to get a small one person microwavable mac and cheese. I followed the directions and stuck it in the microwave. While it was microwaving, I decided to plan out my routine for my audition on Friday for the cheerleading squad. I smirked, thinking about how Lisanna thinks I'm no good. I slightly chuckled and I thought out loud

"Oh, you'll see bitch"  

I got up and got my food and I started to eat while I was watching T.V.

At about 8:30, I yawned yet again, and went up to my bedroom after cleaning up behind me. I got ready for bed, and hopped into my bed and snuggling the comforters up to my chin. I grabbed my phone and started texting my friends.

'Hey Levy-Chan! :D'

'Hey Lu-chan! How did your project with Natsu go'

'Eh...the project came out well, but he was annoying ~.~'

'Awh, poor Lu-chan! Do you want to hang out tomorrow?'

'Of course Levy-chan! How about we go ice skating?'

'Sure! Just don't laugh when I fall on my butt like a deer on ice :/'

'Hehe, no promises!'

'Fine, goodnight Lu-chan!'

'Night Levy-chan! :D'


After my conversation with Levy, I decided to call it a night. I checked my messages one last time, and I sighed with relief when I didn't have a text from an unknown number, however I did have a text from, Natsu?

I texted Natsu 'How in the world is your contact in my phone? I don't remember giving it to you ~.~'

'HEY LUCE! I added my number into your contact list while you weren't looking during our project..... He-He'

'Natsu, I swear'


I sent him that text then turned my phone off, I quickly went to sleep with Plue in my arms.

**The Following Morning**

I woke up, did my usual routine and headed out the door. Once I arrived at the school, I went to my usual meeting spot, I was the only one there, so I decided to read a book I had gotten from the library the other day. I was so intrigued by my book, I didn't realize that Lisanna and her crew came walking up to me.

"Hiya Lucy!" she smiled at me

"Uh bye!" I replied to her

She appeared slightly shocked, seeing that I talked back to her.

"You know, you should really back off of Natsu, there is no chance he would EVER like you! It's obvious that him and I were meant to be together" she smirked

I stopped reading, and I started laughing. Lisanna and her friends looked confused on exactly why I was laughing. 

"Okay slut, let me get this straight, Natsu is my friend. He doesn't even like you, like a friend or anything more then that. If he doesn't 'like' me then how come he chose me to be his partner?" I told her, emphasizing the me in my rant.

She stood there, with her mouth hung open, she looked completely surprised, her little friends looked just as confused and surprised as well. 

"I-it's probably because he wants a good grade!" she defended

"He's fine on his own, it's obvious he just wanted to do it with a friend, that friend being me." I told her

"W-whatever! Bye Luce"  she called me by the nickname Natsu calls me.

While she walked off, Erza, Levy and Juvia came up towards me.

"Lucy, why was Lisanna talking to you? Erza immediately questioned me.

"Don't worry about it, she lost that fight" I smiled evily

We started walking to class, where I was greeted by multiple people.

"Hey Lu-chan, don't forget about our ice skating meeting after school!" Levy reminded me

"Wouldn't miss it for the world! Do you want to come over to my house before that so we can walk there together?" I asked her

She nodded her head, showing me that she approved of my idea. After that, Mr.Dreyar came into the class,' time for another boring day of school' I thought in my head

A/N: Sorry it's a little short, I just didn't know where to end it. Love it? Like it? Don't like it? Message me or comment so I can improve on my writing! Thanks !

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