Chapter 1

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“Wow, yeah thank you so much.”

I drag out the “o” as the cab drives past me, slashing a puddle onto my already soaked through shoes. I guess I’ll have to get used to these New York City cab drivers.

Well isn’t this a great start.

A car horn honks and I look up to see Emma in her car. I must not have seen her. I run up to the car, throw my suitcase in the backseat and jump in, not wanting to stay a second longer in the rain.

“How was your flight, Gorga?” She asks.

“Could have been better.”

Emma and I had been friends since… well, since forever really. She used to be my neighbor until her and her family moved to New York City when we were both 15. I hadn’t seen her in 3 years, but we still kept in touch via every social networking site on the internet. Twitter, tumblr, even facebook.

“Do you want to call your parents to make sure you arrived safely?”

That’s another thing: see, my parents kicked me out. They got sick of me, so the day I turned 18, they bought me a ticket to New York to live with Emma, who was moving into an apartment of her own.


“Ok. Is that all your stuff?”

“Just clothes. My parents said they would maybe ship the rest of my stuff sometime this week. If they feel like it”


I glance to my right looking out at the now drowning city that is the concrete jungle. It had always been a dream of Emma and I to live in New York City. So naturally, when she moved to the city of our dreams, I was crushed. But I’m glad that I get to live with her now. We are also practically twins. Emma is however 6 months older then I and she takes a lot of pride in that. Nevertheless, we share the same fiery red hair and round almond coloured eyes. No one knows how we both got the similar features. Our parents used to call us the “milk man’s” daughters. 

“We’re here!” Emma says, the tone picking up in her voice. She sounds excited.

“But I don’t want to get out of the car, I was finally getting dry.” I whine, but all Emma does is get out of the car, walk around to the passenger side, open the door and drag me out into the rain.

“Well get your suitcase and you wont have to be in the rain for much longer!” She says before running into the apartment building. I drag my suitcase out of the backseat struggling to not fall into the puddles that flood the streets.I walk into the building and see Emma waiting for me.

 “Did you press the button for the elevator or…”

"Oh yeah,” She looks at me with her puppy dog eyes. “Don’t get angry, but the elevator is out of order.”

My jaw drops. “You’re kidding, right?”

She hesitates “No.”

“DO YOU KNOW HOW HEAVY THIS BAG IS? I HAD TO SQUISH ALL MY CLOTHES INTO THIS BAG. ALL. OF. THEM.” I scream and the man at the front desk in the lobby gives me a look.




She picked takes the front handle of the bag while I take the back.

“So what floor are we on anyways?”



“I hate you, Emma.”

We had been climbing up the stairs for about half an hour now because we stopped multiple times while walking up the stairs. Mostly because I kept on slipping on the stairs. Also, Emma had to catch her breath a few times.

“C’mon, we are almost there don’t lose hope!”

Just as she finishes her sentence, we reach the 15th floor. I run up to the top of the flight of the stairs, leaving Emma with my bag.

I hold my hand up to my mouth pretending to have a microphone. “I would like to thank the academy for believing in me. It has been a struggle, but we finally made it to the 15th floor. I would also like to thank my friend here Emma, who carried half of the load with me.”

She rolls her eyes. “Ok Gorga, lets just get into the apartment now, shall we?”

“Sounds good to me!” I turn around, open the door and run straight into the chest of a stranger. 

"Nice speach." He says with a slight wink.

Oh god, I can already see this being a problem.

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