Chapter 3

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“Are you retarded, what are you doing?”

“She’s so fucking useless.”

“Just wait until she’s 18, then we wont have to deal with her anymore.”


I bolt up, finding tears falling down my cheeks. I wipe them away with the back of my hand. My parents never supported me with my depression and their words still haunt me. I hear them in my dreams, yelling at me and telling me how useless I am. I try to forget about them, but its difficult not too.

But wait… where am I? I look around at my surroundings, taking in the blue walls and the desk to the side of my room looking over a view of… what looks to be… New York City! That’s where I am! New York! I forgot that I now live with Emma. Speaking of which, I should go see if she’s up. She is always one to wake up early. I get up from my bed and walk over to the door. The smell of coffee is already filling up my nose. I open the door and walk down the short hallway to the kitchen where I see Emma standing by the coffee maker.

“Good morning.” I say in a groggy, morning voice.

She turns around and gives me a smile “Well hello there Ms. Gorga.”

Confused, I ask “What’s gotten into you this morning?” Grabbing a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

“Gosh, you must have been knocked out cold last night. Do you not remember anything from last night?”

I rack my brain. “The last thing I remember is putting the wet clothes in their washing machine…”

She gives me a weird look “You don’t remember going into Lucas’ room and then talking until 5 in the morning and falling asleep on his bed, followed by the three of us trying to drag you back to our place?”

My mouth drops “You’re making that up.”

“No, I didn’t.” She replies.

“Yes, you did.”

“No. I. Didn’t.”

“Oh my god, Emma! Why didn’t you wake me up?” I ask, almost yelling.

“I don’t know, I was going to but Lucas said to let you sleep.”  She replies giving me an “isn’t-he-so-cute-and-prefect-for-you” look.

I groan and walk away. That is so embarrassing and were we really talking until 5 in the morning? My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. I walk over to the door telling Emma that I’ll get it. I open the door, only to be greeted by Lucas.

“Hey, here are your clothes. We were wondering if you guys wanted to-“

I cut him off mid-sentence. “Thanks for the clothes see you soon maybe!” I slam the door in his face. I turn around, my back against the door only to see Emma standing in front of me with a startled impression.

“What did you do that for?” She asks, not understanding why I did what I did.

“ I fell asleep on his bed. I need to hide for at least a week before I see him again.”

Emma rolls her eyes. “You’re being ridiculous. He thought it was cute! Besides, it was 5 in the morning I’m sure he doesn’t blame you for falling asleep.”

I sigh, “I guess…”

Emma smiles. She then looks to her wrist, checking the time.

“Shit, I’m going to be late for work!” She screams, running into her room to get changed.

“Where are you working?” I ask, sitting down on the couch to have my coffee.

“Some high end boutique. My parents got me the job.”

Her parents were the complete opposite of mine. They were always helping her.

“I should probably get a job too, huh?” I ask, realizing I only had about 1 thousand dollars and I had to help pay the rent.

“Yeah. I can always get my parents to put in a good word for you somewhere.” She says, emerging from her room in a short pencil skirt and ruffled shirt.

“That would be great thank you so much.”

She slips on her shoes and is about to run out the door. “You’re welcome! See you later!”

She leaves me alone in the house. Not really sure as to what to do, I go into my room and decide that it’s a good idea to unpack. I leave my now empty coffee cup on the kitchen counter. I walk back into my room. The first thing I take out of my bag is my computer and speakers. In my opinion, the only way to play music is loud.

I plug the speaker into my computer. I quickly browse through my playlist and decide that Pierce The Veil is the right choice. I play a song and start dancing around. I would check my twitter, but I forgot to ask Emma for the Wi-Fi password. I walk over to my suitcase and pull out my sweaters. I put them into the chest of drawers and continue to put clothes inside the drawers.

After about an hour of looking like a girl on crack putting clothes away, I hear something moving around the apartment. I am a very nervous person, so the first thing that comes to mind is: "Oh my god, it’s a murderer who has come to kill me." I quietly tip toe to my door. I lean my ear against it to hear if there was any movement outside my door. Nothing. I open the door slowly, peeping my head out. No ones there. I must have been imagining it. I walk outside my room however just to make sure.

I’m about to walk into the kitchen to get some food when I feel hands on my shoulders and I scream.


this was a really quick chapter because i was kind of lazy but ya enjoy :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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