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I ran up to Austin and yelled "Wait up!" "Yes how may I help you lilly?" He asked. "I was wondering if you would tell me what kind of powers you have" I asked looking down

"So you can find someone to see if they can have a battle with me?" He said. "No, I was just wondering..." I said. He signed then I continued "I have the powers of mind".

I was confused like what the actual heck "It means that I can control a lot of things and human's mind" he answered.

"Oh that's really cool" I smiled "thanks but its a bit depressing" he confessed. "Oh, Lilly just to let you know I you have the powers of love and I think it's perfect for you" he said to me with his perfect dimples as I blushed and look down but he lift up my chin and looked me in the eyes "you have beautiful eyes" he said sending a shiver down my spine which made me blush harder. For a moment I feel like I've known him forever but sadly it was our first time meeting. I pulled away and looked at Kelly, she was with that guy.

"I gotta go ill see you sometime" I said and went back to Kelly.

"Hey Lilly! This is jack, and jack this is Lilly" she said

"Hi jack" I said

"Hi Lilly" he said, he has brown hair and icy blue eyes he's a bit taller than me but he seemed really nice.

"Would you mind telling me what happened?" he asked

"Um... we don't really know" I lied

"Oh cause all I remembered is when my uncle Tried to kill me" he said. Both Kelly and I's eyes went wide " yeah i know long story" he said "we'll anyways nice seeing you jack!" I said and dragged Kelly with me " man, he is so cute!" Kelly said " Kelly,he's a human you can't have him!" I said. " hey Lilly. I'm Your my friend right?" "No Kelly I'm not gonna make him like you" I said "why not!" She wined "because!.... I can see it in his eyes that he likes you?... so the answer is no." I said "Lilly!!! Please???"she begged "no Kelly never gonna happen and that's final" "fine..." She looked sad but she does that all the time if she doesn't get what she wants.

"so anyways who was that guy you were with" she teased " his name is Austin, and no we just met each other" I said "what's his powers?" She asked "how do you know if he's an angel or what?" I asked " he's wearing all white and I just know" she said " he has the powers of mind control and things control" I said " oh that's cool!" She said " mind control and love control... That would make a cute couple" she said "Kelly stop! Leave the all Lovey dovey things to me, it's my job" I said " I know but your a dangel you can pick a angel to be your boyfriend or devil which is very lucky ya know!!!" she said " I know but I still like to believe that I am forbidden to love a devil!...or chase..." "Lilly who are you lying to! It's not forbidden for you! I'd do anything! he is the hottest boy in the whole devil's world!" she answered back with yelling "I know but it's just that I have a lot if things going on" I said "like what?" She asked. When we were walking we saw a couple fighting out side there house and I can tell the girl had a baby bump on her tummy. And she was crying and so was the guy. well lets see my job now shall we :) I lift up my hand and went in a infinity wavy sign and pink, red, and white sparks went every where around the couple and they looked at each other in the eye and then the guy put a hand on the girls jawline then kissed her, me and Kelly were awwing and suddenly a pair of strong arms were on my waist I looked over at Kelly and she had horror on her face by the look of that I knew who it was. Chase. " what do you want chase" I said with anger and when I'm angry my eyes thend to go to a shade of purple. "you" was all he said. "I can't, it's forbidden" I said "no it's not, dont lie to me darling" he said and started kissing down my jawline "I'm not, I can't and I don't like you." I said " and why not" he asked with anger and he cliched his fist, I was about to open my mouth to say something but "because she loves someone else" a familiar voice said " and who would that someone be" chase asked giving the death glance to me

"That would be me." he said putting a Hand on chase's shoulder and turned him around. When chase saw Austin he bust in to laughter "Austin? Lilly don't tell me you like this pointless thing!" he said pointing to Austin "he's not pointless you little-" "Kelly! leave I'll meet you later" I said and she ran off to find a different place she should be in. "aww does your little friend like your 'boyfriend'?" Chase asked "no she does not because, I like him, and you can't do anything about it" I said "I should have never killed you, it was a mistake to ever even let you into my life when we were still human." I said and thanks to Austin he used his mind powers and looked into chase's eyes, then out of no where chase ran off like Austin said something to chase on his head

"Um...thanks Austin you really helped me" I said to him " don't worry about it. it was nothing" he said now since chase ran off we both been walking alone looking for Kelly and I finally remembered I had my phone with me the whole time.

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