Chapter 11

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*Christina's POV*

"Good morning Christina. Today is gonna be a perfect day. No more Shawn or his bullshit!" I say as I look my self in the mirror.

I want to see Grayson. Maybe that's my chance to show him I like him.

I went out at my balcony. I saw him outside he was crying I think...

"Grayson!" I shout

"Hey." He says cracking a fake smile..

"Hey wanna come here and hang out like right now?"

"Sure." He said and a few seconds later he was already in my room.

"Were you crying? Is something wrong?" I ask really worried.

"Nothing important..just a small fight with my parents..I just don't like arguing with them.." Aww he is really cute. He really loves his parents.

"Oh ok I'm sorry about that."


"So what are we gonna do today?" I ask. I really don't want to stay home today. It's Saturday, I want to go out, have fun and forget about yesterday.

"I was planning to go to Mike's party with Ethan but if you want me I can st-" I cut him off.

"No of course not. You have to go. Actually can I come with you?

"Sure besides, Mike is your cousin. You're already invited anyway."
Mike is one of the most popular guys at school along with Shawn, Grayson and Ethan of course. Yesterday was Shawn's party. So today is Mike's and since Grayson and Ethan are gonna be there hosting the party with Mike they won't have one at their house.

"Cool see ya there." I said. He hugged me and left.

*Grayson's POV*

I've been crying like crazy the past few hours. I wish it was just a dream. But no. This is a nightmare. And it's not gonna end anytime soon.

*Christina's POV*

Grayson and Ethan will be waiting for me outside their house at 9 so I have to get ready.

I wish Abby was here to help me with my outfit, makeup and hair but she is going for dinner with her parents, something like a family night I guess.
Thank God she forgot her straightener the other day.
I showered and then got dressed in a casual outfit (pic in the box😉). I straightened my hair and as for my makeup I didn't even try. I just put some mascara and lipstick.

I left the house. I saw Grayson and Ethan sitting on their porch waiting for me.

"Finally, took you forever." Ethan said teasing me.

"Sorry guys let's go." I said.
Grayson looks moody. He's been acting really weird but I guess it's because of the fight with his parents or maybe because Shawn might be at the party today. I ,contrariwise, don't even want to think about him.


Everyone is having fun at the party and in sitting in the couch with Grayson. I'm bored. We aren't even talking. I have to do something and I don't mean just say something to break the silence between us. I want to show Grayson I like him.

I slowly get closer to him. His arm is already resting on the back if the couch. He wrapped his arms around me moving even closer.

*Grayson's POV*

She moved closer and I wrapped my arms around her. She is really close to me now.

She leaned closer to my face looking at my lips and then my eyes and back at my lips.

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