Chapter 38

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1 Month Later

Iris's POV

I couldn't stand it anymore. It was like when Wagglington had told me Tom didn't love me. It was torture. I couldn't stand to be away from him any longer. Didn't even bother grabbing supplies I just went onto my balcony, morphed into an eagle and flew off. I didn't even look back as I entered the forest. I just wanted Tom.

3 Hours Later

My wings were tired and I was thirsty but I kept flying. I just needed to find Tom. I would be there any second. I just need to see his smiling face, and feel his warm touch.

Suddenly, a strong wind came and my body un-morphed. I couldn't use my magic, instead I just plummeted downwards.

I hit branch after branch and was finally able to grab onto one. I felt my hands slip as they wind whistled and shock the trees so much I was surprised there weren't uprooted.

My hands slipped and I fell to the ground. The wing knotted my hair and I knew my body was covered in cuts and my clothes was probably torn. I felt woozy and I was slipping in and out of consciousness. I finally fell completely unconscious and the blackness engulfed me.

Tom's POV

I could hear the storm outside as it finally died down. I peeked up out of the cellar's trapdoor. The storm seemed to have stopped and I climbed out of the cellar. I peeked out of the window and what I saw made me freeze. I thought I must've been hallucinating because I saw Iris's body laying on the forest floor and covered in blood.

I ran over and I hoped that I was just hallucinating, but at the same time I wanted her to be here. I picked up her body which was limp. I knew that it was real. I carried her into the house. I chocked back a sob as I cleaned her many cuts and I was his with another wave of sadness every time I saw a bruise on her soft skin.

"Please be okay." I pleaded, wrapping her torso in bandages. "Please please please... I love you please wake up." I thought I saw her hand move slightly but passed it off as a trick of the light. I kissed her hand and left the room, not being able to bear seeing her like this.

Andor's POV

I knocked on Iris's door, I hadn't seen or heard my sister all day. I didn't blame her, however, for being mad at the king, he had no right to say that about Tom. I waited to hear a shuffling of feet or something that would indicate she heard my knock. I knock again after not hearing anything. Nothing. I opened the door to see the room empty.

"Where on earth did she go?" I mumbled, looking around her room. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Her bed was made, her desk was covered in drawings, the balcony door was open, nothing was knocked over and... wait a second... the balcony door is open... crap! I ran over to her balcony and looked out of it, the only thing I found was a single feather, an eagle's feather to be exact.

"Just great, she flew away. She could be miles away by now!" I mumbled, picking up the feather. "Just brilliant."

Iris's POV

I saw darkness around me and heard Tom's voice. Tom!

"Please be okay. Please please please... I love you please wake up." he pleaded with me, I tried to move my body, to show Tom that I was okay. I managed to move my hand a little but I don't think Tom noticed. Aghhhhhhhhh! He kissed my hand and it sounded like he walked away. I needed to wake up, I had found Tom.

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