Chapter 43

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Jordan's POV

I held Charlotte close to my chest and let out a sob as I looked down to see her still bleeding. The guards had left and we were all catching our breath from the fight. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her bloody wound. I faced my friends, who hadn't dared to speak.

"We need to get her to a safe place." I told them, standing up with difficulty because I refused to let go of Charlotte, worried that I would lose her again.

"Agreed." Tucker said, "But where?"

"Everyone to Tom's house!" Iris exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

"Will he be okay with that?" Sonja asked.

"Well, she's kind of dying so he better be!" I exclaimed.

"How far is it?" Tucker inquired.

"I can get us there." Iris promised. She closed her eyes and we found ourselves surrounded by the lush, green forest. Iris was panting as if she had just run a marathon. She pointed in the south direction and we turned to see Tom's house. We knock on the door.

"Tom!" I yelled after a second, tapping my foot impatiently on the dusty dirt. He opened the door a second later with a grin on his face.

"Hi, Mates." He greeted cheerily, before spotting Charlotte, "Who is that?"

"Ixxa." Iris replied, "She was stabbed by a palace guard,"

"Come on inside." Tom instructed. He showed me a bed I could lay Charlotte on and I did so, before sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Please be okay, Charlie." I murmured rubbing her hand.

"Charlie?" Tom asked, looking confused.

"Her real name is Charlotte, but she'll kill you if you call her that." I explained, saying it as if it was the most average thing in the world.

"Okay." Tom said. Everyone was silent, looking intently upon Charlotte. She groaned and my eyes widened in hope, I really want her to be okay

Ixxa's POV

I opened my eyes which felt heavy. I tried to sit up but it caused my head to pound. I fell back onto the silky sheets, clutching my throbbing head.

"She needs water!" Sonja yelled, causing my head to hurt more. I held a weak finger to my lips and she nodded in understanding. Jordan passed me a cup of iced water and I used my trembling hands to bring the cold glass to my lips. I gulped down the water before setting the glass on a table beside the bed on which I lay.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking at my unfamiliar surroundings.

"Tom's house." Jordan replied. I turned my head slightly to see that man that had visited me. My muscles stiffened and I held my breath.

"Dianite." I breathed staring into the eyes I knew too well.

"I'm only kind of Dianite because I killed Dianite." Tom explained, reading my facial expression clearly. I gazed up at Jordan who sent me a small nod, confirming what Tom said was true.

"Alright." I said, still processing the new information. It was silent until I spoke again. "My head hurts."

"Will you be alright?" Jordan asked, sounding worried.

"I expect so." I answered, "Where is your jacket?" I had just realized that the jacket that Jordan usually wore.

"It's acting as a bandage to stop you from bleeding to death." Jordan explained, pointing at my torso.

"Oh, thank you." I thanked. I tried to sit up, to embrace Jordan, but when I tried, a sharp pain shot through my bandaged chest.

"Just lay down." Tucker ordered, seeing my struggle. I obliged and the pain slowly faded away.

"What happened?" Tom asked.

"Guard stabbed me." I replied, as if it was nothing. "Because I can not get injured by fire, but a simple blade can hurt me."

"Not get injured by fire?" Tom asked in surprise, raising a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Long story." I said, shrugging it off. There was a knock on the door and we all turned our heads to stare at the wooden door of Tom's residence.

"Who could that be?" Tucker inquired, voicing the question we all had plastered in our minds.

"I have no idea." I informed them, not taking my eyes off of the entrance way. The mysterious person knocked again and Tom stumbled towards the door. He opened the door but I couldn't see who had been knocking on the door. I only knew when I heard the voice that belonged to the mystery person.

"I heard that she was wounded." The voice of Waglington said from the doorway.

"Go away, Waglington." I ordered, my voice coming out in a soft growl.

"Sister..." He said, trailing off as he saw me laying in the bed.

"GO!" I yelled, pointing from the way he had come.

"But-" Waglington started, but he was cut of by Jordan.

"Just listen to her, will ya?" He said, obviously angry at my former-brother. He looked at me and bit his lip. He slowly exited and Tom came back where I was laying.

"Even longer story than the fire-proof one." I told him, he had opened his mouth but closed it and chuckled.

"How is it you know-" He started, but I cut him off.

"What you're going to say before you say it." I finished.

"Wow, seriously how-"

"Did I do that?" I smiled mysteriously. "Mage stuff."

"Okay." He replied, sounding impressed.

"You should get some rest." Jordan suggested, "To give your body a chance to heal."

"You're right." I agreed. I closed my eyes and once again let the blackness engulf me.  

If you guys can get a couple of votes on this by the end of the day, I'll post another chapter. Get it, got it, good. 

Bye my Legends!

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