Father Cole

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This is a thing I've been thining about for the last couple of weeks. My sister has been watching this novela where they have a father that is in love with this girl, and I was like Why don't I write something like that?!?!?!

So, I just couldn't resist the temptetion and here it is. I had to put From City Chick to country GIrl on hold to be able to write this. Hopefully you like it as much as I enjoyed making it up. Enjoy:)


The temple was filled with human bodies, making the heat even more unbearable. Who would have thought that the coming of the new Father would be so important? I definately didn't. I watched as they sang and talked and bowed their heads in prayer. 

I took advantege of the fact that no one would see me and made my way to one of the conffession booths. As soon as I got in it, I pulled the curtain close, unbuttoning my shirt to show more cleavage and letting my wild, blonde hair frame my face. 

I took off my sun glasses and unzipped my skirt. I could hear someone pull back the curtain, so I turned around. I knew he would come, it was something I always did with him. "It took you long enough." I whispered seductively. 

He shivered as my minty breath hit his hot, sweaty neck. His hands shot out to my waist, pulling me closer to him. I chickled and pushed him away from me, turning him in a cricle. "No darling, I'm in charge here." I said, pushing him on the leather bench.

I quickly stradled him, making sure I was making contact with his crotch. He pulle dme to his lips, kissing me eagerly. I smiled and kissed him back, moving to the corner of his lips. I moved my mouth up and down his jaw line, causing him to have an erection and breathe harder.

He held on tightly to my hips, bringing himself up and causing me to gasp. I could feel him even through the material of his slacks and my g-string. We made out in the booths a while longer until I heard everyone calm down outside.

"Shit! I have to go sweetpea." I said, standing up and fixing my skirt. "Pay up." I said, holding out my hand.

He sighed, not saying a word and slipped the four-hundred buck in my hand. I opened the curtain, counting the money and putting my shades back on. "I'll see you tonight." I purred loudly. "You'll get your money's worth." 

I walked to the entrance, knowing all eyes would be on me. 

"Destiny, what are you doing here?" asked one of the older woman.

"Oh, I'm working old lady." I said innocently, holding up the money. She gasped and walked up to me.

"How dare you bring your filthy job into a sacred place?" she spat in my face.

I smiled sweetly at her. "Simple. I just don't give a damn about this shitty place." I said, walking away from her. I reached the entrance just as the new preist came in.

I looked into his grey-blue eyes, shocked at bumping into him. He had fair skin, bright pink luscious lips and was really tall. His hair was a dark brown, shoulder length and kept in a low ponytail. I wans't able to tell if he was fit due to the robe he wore over his body.

"So you're the new preacher or pastor, whatever they cal them." I stated. He only looked at me, his eyes cold as stone. "That's such a watse." I said, walking past him. I got into my Cherokee Jeep and turned it on. I backed out of the pakring space and hit the streets, catching a glimpse of the new father. 

I would definately be coming her emore often. I though to myself. I laughed quietly, I would certianly try to get him.


So what do you think? I bet it seems boring but I promise it'll get better. I am trying something new though. I'll be making it a little more sexual because that's the whole point of the story, but there wont be sex in every chapter.

Please comment and comment. It'll really make me happy knowing that it does intrest others. Any type of comment is accepted. Encouragement or critical, it just helps me make this better.

Father ColeWhere stories live. Discover now