Chapter 7

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I paced my room, thinking about how I would be able to get through to Destiny. I saw the pain and anger in her eyes when she kicked me out of hor home. I wouldn't blame her though, I would probably do the same.

I knew I wouldn't be able to go on for long without her. I was addicted to her.

The knock on my door brought me to an arupt stop. I quickly strolled to the door, opening it in one smooth move. "Father Cole, the bishop would like to see you." said a sister, she didn't look up, probably to shy to even make eye contact.

"Thank you sister." I said, pulling my hair back into a ponytail at the back of my neck. I walked out the door, turning the light off, and walked down the hallway. I knocked on the big wooden door, waiting to hear his reply.

"Come in." He said in his raspy old voice. It was obviouse he had been a smoker in his earlier life. I chuckled dryly, thinking about how we all had sined once in our life. I opened the door, closing it shut behind me.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked him, not really wanting to be here int his room. My mind went back to the nights before. I remebered how soft her skin felt against mine, how her body was perfectly scultured in all the right places. She just felt so right in my arms.

"Yes, I was wondering how things have been going with Destiny. It has been around three weeks?" he asked, not bothering to look up from his papers. I smiled, remembering all the nights I had spent with her in bed, how her face seemed to get color everytime I touched her intimately.

"Oh yes, she learns qucikly. A very good listener too." I said, my words having a double meaning. He laughed, looking up at me.

"That is very good to hear my child. I think you should keep it up a couple of more weeks and then you'll be finished." he said, getting up from his leather chair. He looked at me, his eyes shinning with happiness. "Please tell her I would like to have a word with her though." 

I nodded, knowing Destiny wouldn't get the message for a while. "You may leave now." he said, his voice tired and raspy. I quickly nodded, walking out the door. 

I needed to get to her. Fast!


I sat at the table, holding Steven's cone in one hand while eating mine. I watched as he continuely talked through the phone, rubbing his forehead every now and then. I couldn't help but laugh as he stressed through a phone call from miles away.

"What do you say?" said the guy behind the counter. I returned my attemtion to him, not really wanting to have a relationship yet, but I couldn't exactly reject him without a valid reason.

"You know, I don't even know your name." I said honestly, licking my ice cream again. He chuckled, coming over to the table and looking straight in my eyes.

"My name is Lyle." he said, giving me a dazzling smile. I laughed, throughing my head back and shaking my head.

"I'll think about it, Lyle." I said, getting up. He pulled back, cocking his head to the side and staring at me intently. Steven opened the door, looking weared out. "YOu really shouldn't stress over a phone call." I said, laughing a little.

He gave me a harsh glare, taking the cone from my hand. "Dad's company will be ruined with those people." he growled, putting the ice cream to his lips. I smiled, shaking my head slightly.

"You should leave that to Dad. It is his company." I said, pushing past Lyle. I walked behind him, hearing him sigh in frustration. I turned around, catching Lyle, watching my ass. "Bye, Lyle." I said, making him jump.

I laughed, walking out the door. "You don't get it." he said. He stayed quiet the rest of the way, giving me time to think for once.

We walked slowly, in no hurry to get home. I thought how I would deal with Cole and I couldn't just go back to being the slutty whore I was. I couldn't stop thinking about him though. It just felt so right to be with him. 

Everytime he kisse dme, my knees would grow weak. He knew how to get to me and he never failed to make me feel important for once. My mind kept flashing back to the time int he church, how I had overheard what that man had said.

My eyes stung with the unshed tears froming under my eye lids as I felt betrayed. I furiously wiped at my eyes, mad that I had let him get to me. 

"You okay Des?" Steven asked, coming to a complete halt in front of me. I looked up at him, putting a fake smile on my face. I knew he hadn't bought it, but he didn't push me to open up. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, giving me a small squeeze. "Everything will be just fine." he said.

I opened my mouth to answer him, but right then, my stomacht urned and I hurled whatever was in my stomach. The stomach acids made my burn nose, making tears come to my eyes once again. I could feel Steven holding on to my hair, preventing it to get dirty on the process.

After a while I stood up, wiping my mouth. I sighed, giving Steven a sheepish look. He chuckled, letting go of my hair and throwing his cone in a nearby trash can. "I think you could have at leats waited till we got home." he joked, pointing to a few houses in front of us.

I turned my head, feeling my stomach turn again, but I was able to hold it in. I quickly made my way home, thinking back to everything that had happened. We had had sex without protection, but it was only a few times. 

I mentally checked my cycle calander, gasping as I realized what day it was. I was a whole week late. But that couldn't be possible, long ago, I had been said that it would be impossible to get pregnant, but her eI am, having morning sickness, during the night, and a week late.

"Oh my God!" I said, my hand shooting to my stomach.

"What is it Des?" Steven asked, opening my front door.

I looked at him, my eyes probably wide as saucers. "I'm pregnant." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.





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