The Bad Boy Is A Fallen Angel: Chapter One

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Jacey Williams P.O.V 

I played the hem of my dress as I stared at the wooden door in front of me. Should I knock? A part of me was pushing myself to do it. This could be your chance, Maybe he would notice you. Just this night Jacey! Man up you got this. 

But what if I'll just embarrass myself? 

I stood there for what seemed like hours having a war between myself.

You're a coward Jacey!  NO I'M NOT! yes you are. Just knock on the door.

You do it! 

Stupid, I am you!

Great, I think I'm mentally ill. Is talking to yourself normal? yeah? I guess not. 

Just as I was about to knock on the wooden door it opened which made me jump a little. 

"Oh, its you." A smile that turned into a frown faced me. "Who invited you anyway?" A blonde petite girl same as my age was standing in front of me curling her hair strands with her finger. It was Ashley one of Tessa's friends. Before I could explain I was embraced.

"Jacey! Hi, come in!" Tessa came in view. I didn't really get why she invited me. I was no one, I was just a shadow in our school. Well Tessa? Tessa is the type of girl you see on tv who has perfect hair, perfect body and unfortunately a bitch. She was queen bee and no one dared to step on her way. 

I was confused, Why is she being nice to me? She pushes me down the hall every time she see's me but maybe she wanted to change? right? 

"Hi Tessa." I greeted her with a smile as I stepped inside and trust me when I say I was blown away. No seriously I was really blown away, The music was so loud I could feel my heart about to explode. it reeked of alcohol, Jesus I even think half the student body was here! There were girls on the table doing God knows what and honestly? there was alot of grinding. was High school parties really like this? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no thank you. 

Tessa walked into the crowd and later on appeared on the table standing. The music stopped and eyes were all on her. 

"CAN I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE?" The crowd's noise started to settle down as they watched Tessa. I looked at the corner and saw

Jake... My heart skipped a beat when he looked at me and smiled. I've known Jake since the third grade, I've been doing a lot of make over for him. Yes I know it sounds so pathetic but have you ever felt that maybe someday he'd give you a chance? Maybe I can win his heart, I don't like Jake. 

I love him. and crazy as it sounds I hope he feels the same way. 

I pushed down the urge to go to him and tell him about the way I feel. I'm scared that maybe he wont respond to this but  I'm taking my chances. Tonight is the night I'm going to show him the real me, The real Jacey.

" I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU GUYS! " Tessa squeaked happily and we just looked at her. What was she going to say? I wondered.


And with that sentence the crowd went wild and cheered, the music started playing and my heart started aching. What did she mean about 'YES' ? I looked at Tessa my eyes starting to water. She went over to me and I held all my strength not to jump at her and just shave her fucking hair off her head. 

"Did you think we were friends?" She snorted out and her 'girls' on her side looking down at me like I'm trash. "The only reason I invited you is to clarify JAKE is mine." She evilly smiled. I felt my heart breaking into pieces. "Whats your problem Tessa?" I asked. Should I just bitch slap her right now?

"YOU. I want you to die or Move away from here. No one likes you, I even heard your brother ran away. Dont you think it was because of you? NO ONE LIKES YOU JACEY. Not even your own brother." That was it. I gathered all my anger and Punched the shit out of her She stumbled back. Blood was on my knuckles and on her face. Tessa screamed as she glared at me. 

In a minute Jake was beside her. "What the hell did you just do?" Jake growled. It hurts so bad trying not to cry in front of him. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself.

Jacey, breathe. Just breathe 

"Get the fuck out." As I opened my eyes Jake hissed. "Ja-" I was cut off when Ashley pushed me. 

"I hate you Jacey." That was the last thing that came out of Jake's mouth as I stumbled out of the house. My white dress getting covered up with dirt. The door closed right at my face.

I picked myself up tears rolling down my cheek. Fist clenching 

I was so mad, not at them but me. How could I be so stupid? I shouln't have never come here. I made it towards the golden gate leaving them behind. Leaving Jake behind.

Leaving as My heart was breaking. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid me. 


I was awaken by a knock on the door. It was raining crazily outside I groaned as  I looked at the clock 

12:35 in the middle of the night. Mom and Dad still weren't home, they had dinner but I refused to join for that stupid party. 

"Maybe that's them." I said to myself getting off the bed with my hair sticking out everywhere. I don't know why but I had a bad feeling. My tummy ached like as if there was a knot inside it I sucked it up and made my way downstairs. like how bad can it be? Was It the boogey man? HAHAHAHAHAHA

I smiled to myself at the thought.

Another knock. 

I turned the knob and opened the door. Startled, I saw two officers.

What was going on?  

"Are you Ms. Jacey Williams?" The officer asked, a little pale. 

"Yes, why? is everything okay?" I started to panic, Where was Mom and Dad? What the hell was going on? The cold breeze made me shiver but the moment it was gone I still felt cold and numb. 

"You have to come with us Ms." The other officer said not looking me in the eye.

Lets just say that night, I preferred the Boogey Man to be on the front porch knocking on my door. not the police. 

You know why? 

'CauseThat night ..... My parents died." 


Poor Jacey :( Hi there! Im sorry for the short chapter :( but I promise the others will be longer! :)




btw, The music there ---------------------> aw it just for Jacey and awww :'( 


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