Chapter 18 (finally)

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I am still frozen since I haven't seen Bert for about 2 years now ever since he was arrested for drug abuse and attempted rape on a 15 yr old. He is a tad fucked up but a amazing singer l.

Frank had promised a date tonight and was told to wear casual like I own anything else than jeans and jackets. I guess you can call me a jacket who're.

I walk downstairs to see Mikey literally beaming at his mobile "hey, what's got you happy?" I look over his shoulder and see the contact 'Fro Fro' hmm weird.
I open the door to wait for Franks SUV to pull up but when. I opened it my ears heard a moan and I saw two figures cast into the shadows making me cringe. Please don't shag on our lawn.

"Awh Frankie" the female spoke moaning the familiar also freezing me "Frank" I spoke quiet but the stern for once the kissing stopped and Frank (yes my Frank) lifted his head up and stood looking like a deer caught on headlights in the night.

"Are you fucking kidding me" I shouted and the porch light came, proberly Mikey since he was at the door at the time. He ran out and anger flashed his eyes as he saw red. "Frank get off our lawn NOW" a he grabbed my arm to stop me ruining Franks face, "Gerard I can explain" frank bothered to say but Mikey cut between us "no you lost both of us Frank, leave us alone and take the slag wagon there" Mikey snapped and gestured a brunette from next door (Lexus I believe he name was) ran home sobbing. At that presice moment my phone buzzed with the id Bert causing a frown to grace my face

"finished councilling for good, I'm clean... Only went for you Gee Bear"

It caused me to blush that he did that for me. Frank went home and I slept thinking of Bert McCracken.

Hey thankfully updated and just gonna say franks messaging in the beginning wasn't messages from a boy. It's a frerard so at the end frerard will be real. Let's just say...

Frank gets a new phone.

Messages From a boy ~ FRERARDWhere stories live. Discover now