F - fun and funny!

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So, I usually experience funny things everyday, as my school is full of funny people. From my experience, I can definitely tell you, school is not boring all the time.
In fact, I am going to share with you, a relatively funny incident from school. Lehgo?
It was, I think, last period Friday and we were in English. We didn't really have any work, as we had already finished it, so we were just having some random class discussion. Of which I can't remember. Also it was summer time and near the end of the school year, so no pressure on us. It was a really hot day, everyone was just mucking about in lesson. In our school, some people have a thing for snapping pens, just to wash their hands ( and get out of lesson).So, this boy decided to snap his pen.
He then put it into his pocket and told the teacher that ink had smeared all over his school uniform and he asked if he could go to clean himself. Then my teacher asked him to empty his pockets. The boy waited for a second and then did not listen to the teacher. THEN, the teacher asked him again to empty his pockets so he did. But he didn't at the same time. He laughed and then he ripped his whole trouser pocket out? Omg! I don't know how he did it - but he did and then the whole class laughed wildly!
So... He shoved his hands in his school trouser pocket and then he pulled it out, ripping his school trouser!!! I'm not sure if its funny in like third person. But trust me It was!

Read this part please.
Okay so here is another funny scene:
Me and my friend squad were walking out the lunch hall after much. My clumsy but extremely funny friend @ani56578 went to reach for the door. She flung the door open, only to fall right on to the floor, head first. It was so funny. She was on the floor. LYING ON THE FLOOR! And to top that of, when she got up, she ran into my other friend and had come spilled on her! I guess it just wasn't her day? Maybe.
A/n Okay so this chapter was a bit hard as was the last one because funny stories and as funny after they have been shared and shared. But trust me both scenarios were funny! OK bye vote and comment your funny stories.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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