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In school you will definitely encounter a desperate human being. And if you don't then... you don't...?

Now what do I mean by desperate...? Well lemme explain. When I say desperate, I mean when someone just begs for all the attention from everyone! Not that it's a bad thing or anything, because, like, they're just super confident. But, when you get every last bit of attention from, say, the teachers, it get soooo annoying. Like, maybe i'm constantly calling the teacher to help me with these confusing math problems, and your like, 'sir, what is... maths.' * Insert annoying voice* *insert hand twirling and messing with hair*

Then there's that time when someone acts desperate as hell around their crush. When they are around this ' crush' they turn into some bad, naughty, cute, pretty, funny, constantly laughing... BEAST! It's like very annoying to be watching this person giggling away for no apparent reason! Huh. Hmm.

A/n I am not trying to offend anyone in any way. Come on! Everyone displays an act of desperation in life- even me! ITS TOTALLY NOT BAD! Okay thanks! Vote for this and read on...

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