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Bill sat on the sofa with Mabel, munching on popcorn while watching Duck-Tective. It was a rerun, as the season had ended a little while ago. It was surprising that this show was still on, considering it was four years since the twins had first come to Gravity Falls. The summers still seemed endless, and this one will be no exception.
Dipper was on his back on the floor, staring into space. The show ended, and Mabel got up to go upstairs. She came down a few minutes later, a duffel bag over her shoulder.
"I'm going to Grenda's for a sleepover," She explained without need to. "So you guys are all alone tonight. Get along, will you? Anyways. Bye." She hurried out the door and shut it tight. The boys could hear the door of her pink bug slam after she got in. The boys groaned and Dipper rolled over. Bill couldn't help but smirk. This kid was just like I.Q.
He was so similar, with his hair and glasses and thin stature.
Bill stood up off the sofa and walked to the kitchen. He poured himself a coffee. He lifted the mug to his face, and the steam warmed it.
"Mmm..." He loved mortal food. It was very pale in taste compared to the demon stuff he had from time to time.
"Hey Bro, get me one."
"Get one yourself."
Dipper lazily got to his feet and headed to the kitchen. He leaned over and shoved Bill away from the coffee machine. Bill twisted and jabbed his toe into the counter.
"GAAHH!" Bill dropped his coffee, witch splashed all over Dipper.
"Quit being overdramatic." Bill said, leaning against the counter, rubbing his stubbed toe.
"It's like you plan this! This is my last shirt! All of my other clothes are in the wash!" Dipper said accusingly. He grabbed a cloth from the kitchen table and dabbed his side with it.
"Yeesh. Just wear my stuff."
"It's all sweaters and collared shirts. I don't want to wear that formal shit."
"Who says that's all I have? Maybe you should just wear one of your sister's dresses." Bill grumbled sarcastically. "Just go grab one of my Tee shirts."
Dipper continued to dry himself as he climbed up the stairs.

Dipper went downstairs a few minutes later with a plain green Tee on. His coffee was now cold, so he popped a piece of gum in his mouth. He sat on the sofa in silence, mind blank, sitting in front of the dark TV set. He bent leaned his head back, realizing that the whole room was dark. He turned to the windows, seeing that dark clouds hung gloomily in the sky, blocking the afternoon sun. Bill came in with a new cup of coffee and sat himself next to Dipper, squishing against him. He picked up the remote and clicked on the TV. It made a popping sound as it lit up, making shadows and light dance around the room eerily. Bill flicked it to the weather channel.

-A sudden storm from the east coast has taken a turn for the west of the Mississippi river. Anyone in its path is advised to stay indoors and prepare for a week or so of strong winds, and heavy sideways rain. The-

Bill clicked the remote again, turning off the television.
"Well, that explains the clouds." He says. The two sit in awkward silence, sipping on coffee and chewing on gum.
"I'm cold." Dipper mumbled. He was expecting Bill to just throw a blanket over him and leave, but Bill got up, picked up a blanket, and sat down with it covering them both. At least it was warm. Dipper took off his glasses and leaned his head away from Bill.

I'm so cozy. Wish there would be storms more often in Gravity Falls. Bill thought. He took off his glasses and placed them on the table by the side of the chair. He looked over at Pinetree, suddenly overwhelmed with how cute he looked- wait.

Bill watched as Dipper slowly closed his eyes, relaxing even more.

Dipper's hair was ruffled and messy. His chest rose up and down slowly with his breathing. Bill's eyes traced down his facial expression down to his lips.

They were slightly apart, his lips looked soft, smooth even. Bill found himself leaning closer to him. What was he doing? He wasn't sure. He just wondered...

How would those lips feel? Were they as soft as they looked? Was that a strange thought-?? Dipper was his friend. But the urge to just feel them against his own was still aching in the back of his head. He never held himself from his urges before, so why hold back now? Bill licked his bottom lip carefully and took the chance, not thinking of anything that would happen afterwards. He grabbed the collar of Dipper's shirt and quickly slammed his lips against the other's, obviously surprising the calm relaxed Dip by the little noise he made, but Bill didn't care if he was surprised or not. He had what he wanted and it felt amazing.

Dipper had just been relaxing- That's all! He didn't expect Bill to be doing this! He would never expect this to happen!! His eyes were wide with surprise when he felt his lips slam against his but oh wow- It felt...good????? He was so confused, what was going on- He closed his eyes tightly, his face was flushed a deep red color. He swallowed his gum. Oh god this felt so hot what was happening to him, why did this feel so good? It was just a kiss!! And from one of his best friends too!

Bill didn't let go of the kiss, he just held tighter to his collar and kissed him even harder. But this didn't seem enough... He wanted a taste. Just a small taste, maybe more. He shoved his tongue into the other's still parted lips, exploring his mouth and the warmth around it. Not surprising at all he tasted just like mint.

Dipper practically shuddered against the sofa, his hands moving up a bit, not sure if he wanted to push Bill away or...pull him closer. He was so conflicted what was going on, why did he feel this way it was so hot yet so confusing. He felt embarrassed-- and what's worse, he could feel the trickle of some kind of liquid going down from his nose. Oh god, a nose bleed, he did not just get a nosebleed from his friend making out with him--.

Bill kept the kiss going regardless if Dipper was kissing back or not. What made him stop, was a clap of really loud, sudden thunder. He pulled away, a trail of saliva connecting their lips. A slight blush of his own trailed across his face when he noticed Dipper's. He looked to the side, not bothering to break the trail still connecting them. He glanced back at Dipper and carefully stood up, wiping his face off.

Dipper slowly popped his eye open after he felt Bill's hands leaving his collar, looking up at him in shock and confusion.

Bill looked back down at him and cleared his throat, giving a small laugh. "You should see your face right now!"

Dipper's face blushed darker and he quickly stood up from the sofa, shoving the blanket to the floor. "Sh-Shut up! What the frick was that!?"

"I don't know, I just felt like it." Bill said, snickering still at the bloody nose Dipper was sporting.

Dipper growled and wiped the blood off on his shirt, it was Bill's. He wouldn't care. And if he did, Dipper wouldn't care. He huffed and walking over to the stairs, a small shiver running up his spine. What the hell was that, why'd he even feel like doing that??? Why'd that make him so... No. It was nothing.

"Don't do that again, that's weird."

Bill laughed again and went and took his place leaning against the wall. "Whatever."

"Also, you have coffee breath. Ew."

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