Johnny Christ Ch 2

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I bit my lip as Jimmy grinned at me from the pool. "I don't think I have one." I lied shaking my head.. I didn't think I could get in the pool with them.. with Johnny..

"Yes you do. It's the little red one. I helped you pack remember?" Britt said frowning at me.

"Oh.. yeah.. I'm kind of tired." I said looking down at the water, the lights spread through it giving it a bright glow..

"I'll be right back Matt." Britt said getting out of the pool, she wrapped a towel around her waist grinning at me. "Come on Ali, let's.. talk."

I sighed defeated following her into the house and then my room. "Britt.. look.."

"Tell me why you don't want to hangout with us." She said crossing her arms and frowning at me.

"It's complicated.." I said flopping down on the bed.

She laughed sitting next to me. "Try me." Did she know how I felt about Johnny? Could she...

"Britt.." I sighed covering my face.

"Please just talk to me." She said patting my back.

Tears were gathering in my eyes as I took a few deep breaths. "I have these mixed emotions.. I want to hate Johnny.. but how can I.. he was never mine.. who am I to be.. possessive? Angel.." I broke off blushing from everything I just blurted out.

"Listen, Johnny is a good guy and if you like him go for it. I know he likes you, it's so obvious." I looked at her with hope and confusion..

"You think he likes me? What about Angel.." I wiped the tears from my cheeks..

"Angel never had Johnny's attention, I have only seen him looking at you." Britt said smiling.

"But.. he got drunk..and they left together.." I said tears falling down my cheeks again..

"When?" She asked frowning.

I frowned shrugging. "A few months ago. I can't remember the actual date... then next day Angel was telling me how good it was.. when she gloated like that it.. hurt..." I wiped my eyes again.

"The only time I've seen Johnny drunk WAS a few months ago.. he didn't go home with Angel he called Matt and we picked him up.. you know, what I remember was him asking for you." My stomach filled with butterflies.. had Angel just lied.. to hurt me? I couldn't ask Johnny but I needed to know..

"Don't tell anyone about this OK?" Britt nodded. "Promise?"

"I promise. Now let's get back out there.'' I grinned as we when through my clothes looking for my swimsuit..


Britt's POV

I finally talked sense into Ali and helped her find her red bikini. "Thanks Britt." She said hugging me before we walked back outside. The guys were all laughing but it was hard not to grin when Johnny looked at Ali appreciatively. I knew all along they had it for each other now they just needed to work it out..

"No problem Ali." I said jumping in next to Matt, he caught me as I came up for air wrapping his arms around me.. I loved him so much.. he kissed quickly.

"Get a room!" Jimmy yelled splashing us. I laughed turning to him. Ali slipped into the pool staying on the farthest side.. she must feel out of place with all these crazy guys.. I went to swim to her only to see Zacky swim to her side.. Ali laughed smiling at Zacky.. Johnny glared at them ...oh no.. I didn't know what to do..

"Zacky can you come here for a second!?" I said pushing out of Matt's arms. The guys looked strangely at me before Zacky swam over to me.

"What's wrong?" Zacky asked looking curiously at me.

'"I forgot to tell you something." I said grinning. Matt hugged me tightly around the waist.

"What?" Zacky asked grinning.

"Um.. It's a joke.." I said thinking quickly.

"Tell me."

"A chick goes to the doctor.. The doctor says what seems to be the problem ma'am?.. The chick replies I can't feel my legs.. To which the doctor replies thats because I cut off your fingers.." I said grinning. The guys and Ali started laughing. I had heard that somewhere and really butchered it but it got Zacky away from Ali..

"That was .. Funny.." Zacky said shaking his head. "Anybody need a beer?" Everyone needed one so Zacky ran inside.


I thanked Zacky for the beer taking a quick drink. Zacky jumped in landing on Jimmy. "Zacky!" Jimmy tried to dunk Zacky but just ended up splashing Britt and Matt. I laughed covering my beer.

"How's it going?.." I turned to Johnny my heart racing.

"Hey." I said lamely.

"You looked lonely." He said grinning. It was strange seeing him and knowing he hadn't been with was nice.. I smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me." I said taking another drink.

"My pleasure." He said grinning. I forgot the rest of the guys as Johnny leaned towards me.. Was he going to kiss me?...

"So I hear from the guys your coming on tour with us.. Is your um boyfriend.. okay with that?" He asked drinking.

"I don't have a boyfriend.." I said wondering what this was leading too..

"That's hard to believe." I blushed.. biting my lip... what was he thinking? I couldn't seem to breath.. He stopped smiling and our eyes met.. "Ali.." I loved hearing him say my name.. Butterflies filled my stomach as he kissed me..

He pulled away and I covered my lips. "Johnny.." My heart was somewhere at my feet as I looked at him. He grinned touching my cheek..


I looked around the living room as I made my way to the kitchen.. Zacky, Johnny, and Jimmy were all piled on the couch asleep. I touched my mouth remembering Johnny's kiss. I couldn't even describe the feelings he left me with. I smiled opening the fridge.

I pulled out the milk and poured myself a glass replacing the jug in the fridge. "Hey there."

I smiled at Johnny as he walked into the kitchen. "Hi." What should I say?..

"What are you doing up so late?" He asked grabbing a beer. He sat down next to me.

"I couldn't sleep." I said shrugging.. i couldn't tell him I thought of him every time I closed my eyes.. His kiss..

"Yeah it's rough sleeping on the couch between to giants." he said grinning.

"Ah.." It flashed through my mind to offer him part of my bed but I just wasn't that bold.. He grinned tugging at the neck of his shirt. "Johnny.. I.." I looked away as my face turned red.. I wasn't really thinking of offering him..

"What's wrong?" He asked frowning.

"Nothing.. Goodnight." I said practically running from the room.

Johnny ~ My Confidence Is Leaving Me On My Own ~ Christ {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now