{204} another rant...

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Do you ever just look outside at the trees, at the clouds and feel the wind on your skin and think to yourself, what the hell is going on? Like you know you're here because you came out of your mums womb but really...why are we here? We've been her for generations after generations. People 100 years ago stood in my town and some even left to fight in world war 1 that's crazy! I start to feel like I'm in this little existence that won't matter because I can die at any point in my life. I could be gone tomorrow or in 50 years, who knows? You never know when someone could be gone?

And it's at this point I realize how thankful I am for the way I was raised, for the roof under my head, I shouldn't take life for granted because its all. I. Have.

Literally and figuratively, what happens after I die? I do believe in a heaven above, but it confuses me sometimes because I have no idea where it is or how to get there.

And this may seem weird but I'll zone out of the world for a few minutes and look around, look at myself. Someone came up with all this, created all this. To me I believe it's God, but whether it's God or not someone did make all this, it didn't just happen by itself.

It amazes me and I don't know why because it's just a planet. And this planet will one day be gone, billions of years from now, but what happens then? Do we actually just die and our soul leaves earth?

I don't understand?

What's the point in living in a beautiful world if we're just going to leave anyway.

This topic stresses me out because I have so many questions and I feel like I'm the only one who thinks about this type of stuff when in reality everyone probably does. But when I'm alone it runs through my mind.

I'll look at the empty fields and the roads and houses and think, these have been here forever, people actually built these roads and walked on them years and years ago. And yet, everyone seems to forget that.

I'm gonna be honest and say I hate our generation. Yes the technology is nice, but I'm an old soul. I love the past like the 60s and 70s, just today I went to a diner and it made me happy.

The technology today has ruin people's lives, people are too focused on electronics, I mean I am too I'm not going to say I don't, but it's that fact that I've felt like its a necessity that I need to go on instagram everyday is a problem.

I just don't know what to say anymore. I want to say something but I know I won't be heard.

Sorry for ranting like this it's just been on my mind lately, and thanks if you actually read all that haha:)

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