{255} girls are ridiculed for everything...

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Teenage girls aren't allowed to have a genuine interest in anything
without being ridiculed for it. If a girl likes uggs and starbucks, she's
stupid and stereotypical, but if she likes combat boots and obscure
coffee houses she's a hipster wannabe and is trying too hard. If a girl
listens to boy bands and other popular artists she's a dumb follower,
if she reads comics or plays video games she's a poser/fake geek girl,
if she likes sex she's a slut but if she doesn't like sex she's a prude, if
she wears makeup she's fake but if she doesn't wear makeup she's a slob,
if she has low self-esteem she needs to learn to love herself but if she
has high self-esteem she's overconfident and vain, if she's interested in
politics she's a crazy social justice warrior but if she prefers to stay out
of social matters she's a dumb airhead. Girls are literally mocked for
every single thing they do, no matter what those things ate, and I'm
really sick of it.

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