Chapter Eight

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The rain picks up as Christian and I stare into one another's eyes. His gray eyes seem so familiar, like I've looked into them before.

"Ana, remember the accident you were in? When you were sixteen?" Ray asked, his tone was gentle.

"Yes." I whispered as I bit down on my lip.

"There was someone else involved in that accident. His name was...."

"Christian." I whispered, suddenly remembering.

Flashbacks of gray eyes and a boy speaking French came to mind.

"Yes... I can't tell you more than that. The doctor said you have to remember on your own." Ray said with a sad sigh.

"We should get out the rain." Christian says softly, forcing me to snap back to the present.

I glance up at the dark clouds, the rain wetting my face. I meet his eyes again and nod. Before I can walk off he grabs my hand, an eclectic shock goes up my arm.

My eyes go wide as I stare down at our joined hands.

"Let's go back to my dorm, please. We need to talk." His voice is still low and his eyes are pleading.

I nod again and allow him to lead me across campus. We jog until we reach what students have nicknamed , Richie Rich Hall.

We ride the elevator up three floors and get off. Christian takes out a key and slowly unlocks his door, like he's afraid there's a monster inside.

Once the door is open, I follow him inside. There was no way this was a dorm room, it was like a studio apartment.

Christian crosses the room and digs through a dresser, while I stand near the door dripping wet and soaking the plush carpet.

"Here." Christian approaches me with a band t-shirt and some basketball shorts.

I give him a soft smile and take it. Christian steps around me and leaves the dorm room, closing the door behind him.

Moving quickly, I undress and realize my bra and panties are soaked too. I bite my lip and make a beeline for the drawers. I dig around in all the drawers until I com across a pair of Ralph Lauren boxers, that look like they haven't ever been worn.

I hope he doesn't have anything. I think as I slip out of my panties and into the boxers. I put on the T-shirt, which stops right under my butt, and then, the shorts which are too big, but I use the draw string to make then as tight as possible.

I open the door and step aside so he can come in. I can feel him staring at me, but I can't find my voice.

I clear my throat as I feel my face burn bright red from being in such an awkward situation. 

I turn and quickly and start to collect my wet clothes. I lay them on the back of his desk chair to dry and, fish a wet hair tie out of my jeans pocket.

When I turn around, Christian has his back to me and is standing in nothing but his boxers. I gasp and whirl back around.

I hear him chuckle behind me.

"What's wrong, never seen a half dressed man before?" He asks as he opens and shuts drawers.

I don't respond as I rake my wet hair into a messy bun.

"Okay, I'm decent, you can turn back around." He says, laughter still evident in his tone.

I turn slowly, blushing bright red.

"You could have asked me to leave." My voice is low.

"I could have." Christian says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes and his facial expression goes from playful to serious.

"I feel like I know you. I..I just for the life of me can't remember how." He steps toward me, confusion clouding his beautiful gray eyes.

"The accident." I whisper, and clutch on to my ring. My heart was beating erratically.

"The....accident?" Christian has stopped moving toward me, his eyebrows raised.

"My step Dad said I was in an accident with a boy named Christian when I was....."

"Sixteen....." Christian finishes my sentence for me.

I nod, my heart felt like it was going to explode.

"Oh my God....." He says more to himself than to me. Christian backs up and leans against the dresser and runs his fingers through his hair.

" " Christian asks, breathlessly.

"I don't know. My step Dad said I had to remember on my own, he couldn't tell me. Doctors orders. Telling me could hurt me more than help me."

"How? You deserve to know...."

The door burst open and we both whirl around to see who had just barged in.

"Holy shit! Ana?!" A tall guy rushes into the room and grabs me by the shoulders.

"Umm...hi?" I do not have a clue who this guy is. I glance over at Christian who looks shocked and confused too.

"I knew it was you! I knew you guys would find each other! True love does exist!" He picks me up and spins me around.

"Elliot, what the hell are you talking about?!" Christian hisses from across the room.

Elliott puts me down, with big wide eyes.

"Oh shit." He whispers.

With that, all these memories come flooding back in and, I understand why the doctor said it was better for us to remember on our own.

"Oh my God, Christian." I gasp as I cover my mouth and stare at the boy I once was in love with.

It's too much for me to handle and everything goes black.

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