Chapter Twelve

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Christan pulled away from me and I felt my knees almost buckle. The elevator doors closed behind him, though it didn't move.

"Ana, mon amour." Christian whispered into my ear softly, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

Our bodies were still pressed against one another and I didn't want him to move. I wanted to stay just like this, forever. I had finally found who I had been missing.

"Christian...." I whispered back, my arms wrapping around his neck.

Christian pulled away slighty to look into my eyes.

"s'il vous plaît ne me quitte pas." I don't know what he said, but his eyes were pleading with me. I nodded, having no clue to what I was agreeing with.

A tiny smile appeared on his lips,"Google it before you agree."

I laughed, as the memory of me googling all the French things he said to me, came flooding back.

"Ah, I didn't even know how much I missed that laugh. That damn accident...." Christian closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine.

"I can't believe we forgot one another..."I say as I pull myself a bit closer to him.

"That damn Elena." Christan hisses, and I can hear just how angry he is.

"What happened to her?" I ask, picturing the mad woman in my mind.

"I'd have to ask my father." He says as he pulls away from me.

I stare up at him with questioning eyes.
"Anastasia, last time....last time we let that woman ruin us, I don't want that to happen again, with Maria. She doesn't mean anything to me, Ana. I swear." Christian is using his beautiful gray eyes to plead with me again.

Only this time, I loom away.

Reality washes over me, like an ice cold tidal wave.

The baby.....


"Anastasia, please. There is no baby. I used protection and she's on the pill. There's no way...."

"Those things aren't 100% effective at preventing things like that from happening!" I snap, cutting him off.

Just hearing about him being with some other woman makes me sick.  I push past him and stab the open Door button until the elevator doors slide open.

"Anastasia!" Christian tails behind me, even when I break out into a full sprint.

I pick up speed as my tears start to fall. Images of he and Maria in bed together fill my head and the tears keep coming.

"Anastasia! Anastasia! Damn it, stop running from me!" Christian shouts as he chases me across campus.

My dormitory comes into view and I pick up my speed. Just as I reach the door, Christian catches my arm and yanks me away from it.

"Ana! Please!" Christian yells/gasps.

"Please, what?! You slept with her!!!! You slept with her! Do you know how that makes me feel! You say you still care about me, but she's carrying your child! She's your girlfriend! I'm just a ghost from your past!" I yell through my tears.

I reach up to my neck and yank my necklace off and throw it at him.

"Maybes there's a reason why we forgot one another. Good luck with your girlfriend and your child, Christian." I turn away from him and rush inside and up to my room, crying the entire way there.

When I reach my room, I see her standing there.

"Did you end it with him?" She asks, an evil look upon her face.

I nod, unable to speak as the tears keep falling.

"Good, I'll be sure to send you an invite to our wedding." Maria smirked as she strutted away.

Once she was gone, I went inside my room where Kate sat waiting, looking pissed.

" should just tell him...."Kate started, but I held up my hand to stop her.

"It's done, Kate. I had to protect him, if that ever got out about's done, Kate. It's done....we're done...." I collapsed down onto the bed and cried harder than I ever have in my life.

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