chapter 10

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The two men from before came in talking about what they should do with unlimited the two men stopped and looked around as me and whytt went out.
''Were they go.'' Carlos said
''Bye.'' I said as they turned around we slammed the door and ran down the hall we heard banging behind us I graved whytt arm and we flew to the ceiling we saw men running the way we just came I put whytt down we ran again down the hall we heard running behind us whytt pulled me into a room and closed the door we were panting we heard them run past the room.
''This is crazy.'' I said
''It don't matter now.'' Whytt said
''How are we going to get out.'' I said
''Come on.'' He said we stepped out into the hallway no one was coming so we started to run whytt lead me to the right we got to the control room no one was there whytt was about to leave I stopped looking at the machine.
''What are you doing?'' He asked
''We need to destroy it.'' I said
''Yes if we don't we'll be in danger.''
''I know that but they can just make a another one that's stronger.
''But to will belay them.''
''Fine then we leave.'' Some thing shocked me I screamed and was on my hands and knees we heard laughing I turned my head and saw mark holding a weird looking gun.
''That was funny.'' He said
''Stay away.'' Whytt said getting in front of me mark came closer to us.
''You could of chose to stay with me.'' Mark said
''And help you role the world.'' Whytt said
''You still can.''
''No that's wrong.''
''You don't know what's right and what's wrong.''
''Yes I do.'' Whytt said throwing a punch at him mark moved away and tripped him.
''Not so tuff now.'' Mark said
''Stay away from him.'' I said as I got on my feet
''Or what.'' He said turning to me I felt the energy of the stone it came around me my eyes started to burn gold I was lifted a few feet of the air whytt was on his feet his hair flying dust fro the room was flying a golden spheres came around me.
''What's going on?'' Whytt yelled
''She can't control it.'' Mark yelled to him he slowly went over to the controls.
''How do we make it stop?'' Whytt yelled going over to him.
''With this.'' Mark handed him a metal bracelet with a long wire on it. ''Put it on her it will help her.'' Mark yelled whytt took it he looked at it then to me he threw it aside mark looked at him.
''You fool you can't save her with out that.'' Mark yelled
''There has to be another way.'' Whytt yelled he slowly started walking to me when he got to me he graved my hand I turned to him he looked into my eyes.
''I know you can control it.'' He told me
''It won't work.'' He heard mark from way off
''Please.'' Whytt said I looked at the floor I landed on the ground the wind stopped my eyes stopped burning gold.
''Thank you.'' I said he smiled
''I knew you would do it.'' He said we looked around mark was gone we ran out of the room to the front the door was still locked.
''You still can't escape.'' Carlos said
''Were is mark?'' I asked
''He told me to bring you.'' He said
''Never.'' I said
''Your making a big mistake.'' He said
''Your making a bigger one.'' Whytt said at that point my father and a small team of men came down from the ceiling he smiled at me.
''Hello father.'' I said Carlos was ready will my father was distracted. I saw Carlos my eyes burned gold and I blocked Carlos knocking him to the ground two of the other agents hand cuffed him my father looked at me my eyes still burned gold.
''How did you do that?'' He asked
''This.'' I said lifting up the necklace
''Will let's get that to the agency.'' He said
''Yea one problem.'' Whytt said
''What?'' Asked my father
''It won't come off.'' I said he looked at me.
''What do you mean it can't come off?'' Asked my father
''It chose me father I put it on so that I can escape but when I failed we tried to take it off it wouldn't I felt its energy and I can control it.'' I said
''You thank this is over. Mark is gone hiding you won't find him.'' Carlos said laughing.
''Take him to jail.'' Said my father they pushed him out of the building
''What are you going to do?'' I asked whytt
''My parents are dead I have no uncle or any other family.'' Whytt said
''I thing I can help with that.'' Said my father
''How?'' Whytt asked
''We have a another empty room would you like to be adopted?'' Asked my father
''Yes.'' Whytt said I smiled
''We're going to be siblings.'' I said
''I know.'' Whytt said we hugged each other when we stopped mick came up to us.
''Will now there are two teenagers in the agency.'' He said handing whytt a badge he went and got my bag I told him that the gadgets were his now he smiled and thanked me we left on a plane home that night my father called the staff at the house to get the room ready for whytt we talked the whole time my father told him that he will be taking music lessons with me and training he was excited when we got to the house we it was four in the afternoon so I showed him around the house.
''You can get lost in here.'' Whytt said
''I know right.'' I said whytt tripped and fell he looked up at me we both laughed.

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