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Sooo heyyyyy!!! Im back!!! Sorry for the long wait. I know i know.... -what took you so long?""-×( hehe sorry but i was kinda busy with school and everything.

So heres chapter nine. I wont talk so much because i know if i do i'd be as dead as a butterfly in a frogs mouth.



When i say fuming... i mean it.

He was stalking towards me like a lion eyeing his prey. His gorgeous blue eyes was piercing tHrough my soul. I can see how his jaw clenched while he was talking.

Wait what?!! He was talking??

" to you?" He asked angrily.
I didnt catch what he said.
"Wha..what??!!" He rolled his eyes then quickly without hesitation he hoisted me up from my crouching position , then drag me out of the library...
I heard his brown haired friend say. "I guess i'll see you later?"
I saw him nod his head.

He continued to walk ...
What are you doing cass?? Why are you letting this psycho over here drag you around. My inner conscience said.

I didnt notice we were getting inside a room with him leading me in it. Run!!!!! But i coudn't or you wouldn't would you just shut up for a moment please !!!! I was battling with my conscience when i noticed he walked away from me and sat down in the teachers desk. He was thinking. Now's your chance!!! Run cass run!!!! ....
Why arent you moving cass?? Why cant you protest ?? Cass you could get killed!!!

Then i started hyperventilating..
I started to think about the possible things he could do to me... i couldn't breath.... oh no!! Cass breath.. remember the pattern... my inner voice said.... its starting again. Cass repeat ...1,2,3 repeat .. 1,2,3 repeat... i did... but it wasnt helping.

I still couldnt get enough air to calm my self down ... when suddenly alexander stood up from his position... he saw me like this.... i started to tear up.. he then hurriedly came closer to me... but i backed up, breathing even harder..

I didnt know i would be dying this way...

"Im not gonna hurt you." He reassured me.. he came closer "what's wrong?" He asked ...but i couldnt tell him... i cant, i cant let them...him...pity me because of this freaking attacks... i just shook my head in response.

Repeating the pattern again and again...

I closed my eyes...then felt tears run down my cheeks ... a few seconds later ..

It was too quiet that i thought he just left me there ... when suddenly.... muscular arms circled around my shoulders protectively.... i felt safe right at that moment... what are you doing??!! My inner voice said.. i tried to get out of his hold but he just tightened his hold on me... sending shivers down my spine.
"Shhhh.... let it all out." Thats when the water works started.

I cried in his arms for i dont know how long.... i didnt care anymore i felt safe around him... he's the badboy!!! How can you be safe??!! My inner voice is kinda annoying sometimes. Please just let me enjoy this moment. This is the only moment i felt safe around other people. Its your choice really. But dont say i didnt warn ya. Okay okay... i understand you just care but... i was cut offed when he moved then sat us down with me cradling his lap.. i was so shocked that i tried to stand up but he just held me down. Oh noooo!!! He's trying to rape you! My inner voice said at the same time he said " im not gonna rape you" see your such a green minded . Dont blame me. Im just a figment of your own imagination. She contorted. Touche.

Being the badboy's pretty badass nerd (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now