Chapter 5 : Like Day And Night

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This story was inspired by the classic fariytales 'Cinderella' and 'Beauty and the Beast' as well as the love tragedy 'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare. I claim no ownership of the original story of 'Cinderella', 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Romeo and Juliet'. In no means did I mean to plagiarize. 'Cinderella', 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Romeo and Juliet' has merely been used as an inspirational base for my story 'The Clichés of Fairytales'.

Fun fact: The name 'Nura' is of Arabic origin and means 'Light'
Dedicated to all the wonderful, patient and AWEOME readers for the support: DD I love you all :')) thank you so much for the comments and encouraging me, please keep showing me love xxxx

Chapter 5: Like Day And Night

Rae ~


Deafening silence filled the whole room.

Nervously I watched as mother and Don both held each other's stare with grim expressions. Next to mother father had a calm attitude while the two sisters Fantina and Kanisha were in a moody strop as they had wanted to show off their dresses at today's event, however Don had just revealed to us that it had been cancelled.

"How can it be cancelled just like that," mother asked her voice high and nasally, which usually happened when she was shocked out of her wits.

"What do you mean how? It just got cancelled," Don replied warily still holding his stare.

"Don't take that tone of voice with me Donovon. It cannot simply be cancelled like that - "

"I had no choice. Wizard Vald enforced it," Don explained interrupting mother mid-sentence.

With a cry of surprise mother yelled, "Donovon. I did not raise you to interrupt when someone elder to you is speaking."

Donovon simply scoffed and getting up replied, "Well, I am getting tired of all this. I have already explained things to you. Why cannot you simply accept it and leave it at that. My answers are going to remain the same even if you ask me the exact questions again and again. No. No, I do not know what royals or clans will be helping in this new event I have been held in charge of. No, I do not know who are invited. Wizard Vald has informed me that the first meeting to discuss this further will be in a weeks' time. Until the I would very much appreciate it if you would not ask me any more questions regarding the matter."

With that Donovon walked off to his bed chambers leaving mother with her mouth agape.

After a few moments of silence mother let out a groan of frustration.'"Earth has influenced him too much. He has forgotten all his manners, I must speak with his father immediately." After that short, angry monologue she turned her attention towards me.

"Don't dawdle around here Rae. Go finish up work in the kitchens or something," she sighed waving me off. Silently I nodded my head and complied.

Quickly making my way to the kitchen I let myself calm down and finally let out a smile. I hadn't seen mother this out of composure in a while. Donovon was her favourite so he always did know how to make her go frantic with his actions.

"What's got you in a chirpy mood," Izzie laughed as he stopped chopping some vegetables and quickly stirred the broth that was boiling in the big cauldron over the fire.

"Just. Where is Anya?"

"She went to see Aleece. Said it was of absolute importance or some sort. That's why I am doing the cooking. I am following the recipe that she has written down so hopefully it will turn out alright."

I couldn't help but let out a smile at Izzie's words. He didn't sound confident at all.

"I think we should just wait for Anya to return."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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