Chapter 12; Everything to Lose

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My body burns, the silver still poisoning my blood and my head feels as though it is seconds away from exploding in my skull. None of this pain is worse then the feeling of my heart breaking however as Evelyn runs away from me and I am left standing with a mix of shock and horror as I realise what has happened.

Why didn't I just tell her what I was before? Why did I simply lie to her for such a long time, why didn't I trust her? These thoughts run through my head, and I feel dizzy as the pain shoots through me making it harder and harder to stand. 

Jack, the one man in my life who probably knows just about everything there is to know about me, looks from me, to the disappearing form of Evelyn as she leaves the tent, and then back to me again. Then he nods and takes off running after her, they had been friends long before even I had met her. With any hope he would be able to calm her down, but the feeling of dread that he wouldn't be able to was setting in.

Sitting back on the balls of my feet I kneel down just confused, after all of this trying to get her back, trying to get the one I love back. She doesn't want me, and I don't know what I could do to get her back. With everything that is going on, I feel broken on the inside as well as the outside that is.

Being reminded of the pain that shoots through my leg and sides with the velocity of a lightning strike, I struggle to retain consciousness' and stay on my feet. I know I will heal quickly enough, but the time until then seems as though it will never end.

Jerked slightly from my semi-conscious scent, something grabs me from beneath the shoulders and throws my arm across her neck. I grin weakly when Elaina as usual comes to my rescue, "Hi fleabag, what kind of trouble have you got yourself into this time?" The frizzy haired younger woman asks with her usual gleeful smirk on her face.

Grimacing slightly when she helps me limp towards the exit of the tent, avoiding the fallen forms of the men who had tried to kill me not ten minutes ago. "Honestly, that might take a bit of explaining to be perfectly honest, but you my dear as usual have impeccable timing." I grunt, but the gratitude is clear to my tone, I owe this women and my friends my life, and not just from today alone. The number of times they had saved me from being six feet under the dirt is more times then I wish to admit. Thankfully however I had repaid the debt once or twice at least.

She shrugs with a laugh, pushing a still hand out of the way with the tip of her toe as she walks, I try to refrain from putting too much of my weight on her smaller frame. But she doesn't seem to notice, I know from experience she is far tougher then she looks. "You know me Ellie." And of course she remembers the nickname, I think to myself with a slight chuckle. "Fashionably late as usual." She says, slumping me unceremoniously into a car.

The last time I had seen her, would probably have been four or five months ago, the last mission that I had been given before Evelyn had had the twins. On a security detail in Sierra Leone, it wasn't long considering I hadn't seen some of these men and women for a year at least. But every time she saw me, she would always greet me with the same enveloping hug which would choke the very life out of you. Now considering my injuries though, I am thankful she is a little gentler then she usually would have been.

James, William and Russell shove their way into the seats beside me, the smaller two of us James and William take the middle seat, where I and Russell settle either side of them. They do what they can in order to give me some room, as not to be bothersome to my wounds. However there was very little space in the seat, and it was inevitable that I would be bumped around.

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