Chapter 7; Werewolf Politics

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There was one thought going through my mind on a continuous loop, as my instinct to survive kicked in and I could think of nothing else. I must get out of here alive. As silently as I can, I take my things and begin to shimmy across the rafters, I barely dare to breath for fear that I would be heard by the men below. It seems to take an eternity, but eventually reach the other side of the wooden rafter just by the stone wall to my left.

Before I begin my hasty decent to the ground once again, however I make a promise to myself and the poor wolf in chains below me. I will come back for the wretched creature, and do what I can to release him from his unfortunate situation. Not just out of the kindness of my heart, but doing so may bring me answers to questions which are bubbling away in my brain. I couldn't just leave him here.

As silently as was possible considering that I was trying to make a descent of 8 meters in the space of twenty seconds. I descended from the rafter and landed as carefully as I could whilst maintaining my momentum enough so that I could get going without being noticed. By pure luck alone, I manage to get outside of the building without being noticed. Then I set off running as fast as I can possibly go. Ignoring the stares and cries of protest that I receive as I rush through the busy street, I need to find somewhere with a phone.

Unfortunately unlike in England, there were few phone boxes to be found, and after running for a while I come across a place which is likely to have a phone and I duck into the small restaurant and make my way towards the counter at the back of the room.

Several people in the large queue give me the dirtiest of looks as I pass them, and one even dares to approach me with an aggressive stature. I turn to glare at him, he is large, rounded at the stomach and has an icy glare. He is nearly twice my size, but I know that I would have the advantage by the looks of it. Narrowing my eyes I take him by surprise when I reach him before he reaches me and with a low tone. "Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it big boy?" I say, keeping the growl out of my tone but only just. At this he loses his confidence quite quickly and has turned around and walked back to his space in the line. After that no one else makes a commotion as I approach the side counter and wait to be spoken to.

A young woman, chewing a piece of gum as loudly as she possibly could, looked up at me once before looking away. From the looks of her, she had decided that I was not good looking enough to be flirted with and therefore I was of no interest to her. "What can I get you?" She asks, not even bothering to fake a smile.

With an equally uncaring tone, I lean down on the counter and say with a low tone, in no mood for joking around. "I need to use a phone."

My tone now carries a little more threat and anger to it, but not enough that an average [or probably a lot below average] human being would have been able to pick up on when I spoke. I know its there though, and my patience is wearing thinner and thinner with every second which passes and is wasted.

"No using the bathroom, no getting a glass of water and no using the phone without a purchase." I've heard six year olds put more emotion into reading a Dr Seuss script then she does when she says what she has obviously been trained again and again to say.

However I have little time to be able to argue, and I had left my money in the other jacket, this was an emergency. "I need to use your phone." I repeat without blinking, losing my patience with every passing second that I did not hold a phone in my hand.

She looks up at me, stopping chewing her gum arrogantly for a moment in order to repeat herself once again. "No using the phone without a purchase."

I am very close to snapping at her, my fingers twitch to give her a taste of what I truly am, and I probably would have done had it not been for the feeling of somebody tapping my shoulder from behind. I turn around to see a young teenager, obviously wanting to stop a fight, holding out a small iPhone for me to take. "You can use this if you really need to." She explained.

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