Part four

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*Felix's pov*

Suddenly, Lilly walked into my room into my room.

"We are going, with some friends, to a show and you have to come..." She said and as an after thought she added "Don't wear all black" as if she thinks she can tell me what to do, that thought makes me laugh because we have gone through this argument more time then you can count and she always gives up.

"Fine but I will wear what I please"

"For gods sake Felix! Do what your told"

"No my life, I can wear what I like" Lilly sighed and walked out of my room.

Lilly should know by now that I wont listen to her. I got in the shower, washing away the thoughts of today. I got out of the shower 15 minutes later and walked into my walk in closet, I pulled on a black vest, black and red checkered button up shirt and a black 'Pierce The Veil' hoodie, a pair of black skinny jeans.

I blow dried my shoulder length hair then straighten and teased it, making it fall over my left eye. I grabbed my iPod and earphones, ready for when we go out to this stupid show.

"Felix are you ready? We have to leave now!" Billy called up.

"Yeah, hang on a minute" I responded. I pulled on my black high tops and ran down the stairs. "Ready" I said when I was on the bottom step.

We got into Billy's car and followed their friends to the show... Hang on, did that banner just read cheerleading competition?

"Billy what are we watching?"

"I've told you before boy, you have to call me dad when we are in public and we are watching a cheerleading competition" He said calmly.

"What squads?" I said getting anxious, hopefully not my schools squad.

"Meridian's and st. Lewis" Lilly cut in before billy could open his mouth to say anything.

"God sake" I said annoyed. "Why did I have to come?!"

"Because it's your school and it will do you a world of good, getting out of your bedroom for once" I moaned until we parked and thats when I saw Scarlet with one of her cheerleading friends, so I started complaining.

"Lilly I don't like watching stupid people do stupid things with pom poms"

"Well tough, we are going to watch so stop complaining. You never know, you might find someone you like... Even though I doubt you will find anyone, your a boy that straightens his hair and only ever wears black for god sake"

I sighed knowing that she was right about me never finding anyone but I'm not going to change for anyone anytime soon, If they don't like who I am then they can join the rest of them.

"What ever" was all I said in response. I got out of the car and pulled up my hood so hopefully no one would recognise me.

"Felix take that stupid hood off, you can't wear that inside. People will think your some sort of terrorist or a psychopath" Billy said. Really? Like I even care what people think of me. Terrorist and a psychopath, really Billy? That's pathetic, no one would think that. If he hasn't noticed, everyone wears hoodies!

Billy mumbled something else under his breath which sounded like 'give him some time and he will probably start carrying a knife'. I walked of in the hope of finding a shadow seat in the back where no one can find me.

*Scarlet's pov*

I saw someone stalk of wearing a black hoodie with their hood up, the person was just about to open the door to go in when a woman in her earlie 40's pulled their hood down. The boy who had the hood up turned around.

"Lilly... Seriously?!" He shouted. Where did I recognise that deep voice from..?

"Felix, your not going in there with your hood up. Your father has told you already!" The woman who's name is Lilly said loud enough for the people around then to hear, which includes me. Felix... I swear I know that name... But it can't be my Felix, can it?

"He's not my father! For gods sake, I will do what I want when I want, got it?" Huh? What's happening? The woman turned around and hit Felix on the left side of his face, the side his hair always covered.

"We have told you before. We are your parent now, and you will not disobey us, or we will send you back to the place we got you from!" If you was his parent then why would you hit him? What dose she mean?

Felix walked inside with his shoulders hunched over, pulling down his sleeves and pulled up with hood. I swear that's Felix Black.... I'm gonna go find out what's happening.

"scarlet! Was you even listening?" Becky exclaimed, already knowing I wasn't listening.

"What, what?"

"You wasn't listening!" Becky accused, yeah, so what if I wasn't. She only ever talks about boys and cheerleading, god!

"I have to go" I turned around in the direction Felix had gone in. "Catch up with you in a min, tell Amy I will explain everything latter" I didn't give Becky a chance to respond as I took of running after Felix.

Well... I am only gonna tell Amy half of if, I'm not gonna mention Felix. Felix... Why does he have those scars? Has anyone even noticed them before? Does anyone care? What about his parents?

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