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Today is a regular day.The smell of greasy bacon and the smell of my mom's sugar cookies. I never really got the recipe but whatever. As I get out of bed and wash up, I see my dad outside cutting the grass.That is usually what he does every saturday morning. I then threw on my favorite purple shirt and then ran off downstairs. I see my little brother Tommy watching some weird baby cartoon while eating cheerios and a piece of bacon that my mom had cooked for breakfast. As I passed through the kitchen I said Good Morning to my mom while grabbing a toast and a piece of bacon. I then gobbled what I had grabbed and then threw on my white converses and headed outside. I hopped on my bike then all of a sudden my dad calls me and asks "Where are you going? I told him that I was going to the school park, he said okay be back around 4:30. Okay dad thanks. I then finally rode off and wondered what today will bring. I rode to 7/11 so i could get a Arizona Ice Tea. I payed for the tea and gulped it all down by the time I was by my bike. I called my friend Jessie and told her to meet me up at the school park she said "Okay be there in 5 minutes". I rode my bike as fast as i could, I then arrived at the school park and saw no one there. I sent Jessica a quick text, she never replied. I was about to leave until something caught my eye, I had seen a man in a red pickup truck at 7/11. He must had followed me I thought to myself, it was too late I was done. He came up to me and grabbed me and threw me into his truck I felt very sick and my vision started to fade into a black darkness.

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