Katerina Potrava is my mother in 1845 my mother met a man named Damon and Stefan Salvatore she played them both into loving her 1 brother Damon the man that loved my mum to much and Stefan the younger brother the one who didnt love her enough.
My father was human at the time and my mother was a vampire,who was hunted down a couple of weeks after having intercourse mother found out she was pregnant with me she never told my father but ran pretending to get burnt in a church fire or in the tomb by Emily Bennett.
A couple of months later i was born amd aged fast being half human half vampire, i have vampire strengh i can use compalson on people i have vampire speed i can heal but it takes longer because of the human blood in me i can see in the dark i have vampire hearing i drink a little amount of blood a day to keep my strengh.
Your probalt wondering who my father is his names Damon Salvatore.
Chapter 1
Anya pov"Anya get up hunny we need to leave"my mother Katherine shouted from the stairs i groaned i frustrashion as i rolled out of bed.
I quickly got in the shower washing my hair and body once i was out i put black skinny jeans on and a blue tanktop that showed clevage i put a leather jacket on and black heels i started doing my hair and makeup mum says i have my dad looks and my mums nose and skin color which is tanned because of her Bulgarian side.
I left my black curly hair that hangs down to my waist natural and applied mascara and lipgloss i smirked at myself i the mirror i had ice blue eyes like my dad and rosy lips in everyone always says im gorgous.
I felt my throat burn as i noticed i was thirsty for blood i used my vamp speed down stairs yes i have vampire trates witch is awesome and i stopped aging at 19.
A glass of blood was laying on the counter i felt my fangs grow i dont get veins under my eyes i get fangs and my eyes go purple which is wierd.
I downed the blood in one go as i heard my mother walking into the room "hey hunny"my mums voice rung out i smirked as i turned round "hey mum"i hummed mum told me she was stuck in the tomb by my father for a couple of days now we are going to see my father and shes going to tell him about me and also help them.
"Come on lets go your suitcase is in the car and make sure you got your phone"i nodded getting my phone out and looked at the time 11am.
I have my mothers traits as sarcasm bitchyness i get the curly hair from her and i got my dads sence of humor and looks.
After a couple hours drive we arrived in mystic falls mum straightened her hair to look like her doppelganger and put on ugly clothes we stopped outside a old looking house it was huge and beautiful "stay here"my mother demanded i nodded as she vamp speeded into the house as i got out the car.
I heard commotion in the house and things breaking i vamp speed in the house i saw mum pinned up against the wall as the doppelganger was pinned to another wall.
No-one seemed to notice me as mum spoke "its getting really easy impersonating you Elena"my mothers words sounded cold.
I felt my nose tickling as a sneeze escaped my mouth everyones head snapped towards me but my eyes were fixed on a raven haired amd blue eyed vampire.
"Who she"my father spoke as mum tried getting out of his grip he finally released her mother came to my side wrapping me into a hug as more gasps filled the room "she actually cares for someone put herself"the doppelganger Elena said as me and Katherine laughed.
"Why wouldnt i hug my own daughter"my mum hummed in amusement "daughter"Damon my father said suprised.
I got out my mothers grip as i took a step forward "yes im Anya Petrova Salvatore my mother gave birth to me in 1845 im a hundred and sixy odd years old my father name is Damon Salvatore which is you my Uncles name is Stefan Salvatore im also related tp the doppelganger Elena and im half human half vampire hybrid"i said in my English accent as i spent most of my time there gasp filled the room.

Salvatore daughter
VampireAnya Petrova Salvatore is Damon Salvatores and Katherine Pierce or Katerina Potrava child she is half vampire half human but there is also a secret no-one else knows theres a profecy aboit the girl born of a salvatore and petrova bloodline half huma...