Scorch Trials 4

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Thomas POV

"Run Brenda go!" I yelled as a giant pack of cranks chased us through this abandoned building. One minute we trying to figure out how to find our way out of a dark place, next we went in a sewer line that was our only way out filled with full term cranks. Now we are running for our lives from them.

We ran left, right trying to kill any crank that got to close. My leg were burning along with my lungs as we ran and to what seemed closer to a dead end.

"Where do we go now?" I gasped. Brenda looked frantically around not even looking like she was going to pass out, like me. The screams and howls were getting closer and my mind racing as were my eyes searching for a way out. My eyes caught a glimpse of light to my right.
"Brenda here let's move these." I told her as I remove the debris of a building. After a couple of seconds we manage to make a hole big enough for us to through.

We ran as fast we could towards the light as the sound of the cranks where fading behind us. Then suddenly I stopped Brenda and I because as soon as we stepped out the building there was a cliff two feet in front of us. Brenda let out a small gasp because she stopped right on the edge of the cliff. We both started looking around to see where we could run or hide. Suddenly we hear screams getting closer and closer to us and we both gave each other a look, we needed to go. Brenda ran towards a fallen building and started scaling it. I followed Brenda up the building and when I looked behind me I saw four cranks but one ran too fast and pushed one of the cliff.

We ran into the building the cranks still behind us we manage to lose one in the process of going through so many halls and rooms. Then we reached a hall with one door, a way out. Brenda made the sharp turn into the room and next thing I know she fell down and hard.

Brenda's POV

"Brenda! Brenda, are you okay?"I heard a voice call to me. "Yeah" I managed to let out as I slowly opened my eyes, pain shooting all the way from my hip to my head. My vision came back and what I see is the scorch and broken buildings under me. I let a small gasp and pushed myself but the cracking in the window made me stop for a second.

"Hey don't move. I'm going to get you, give me a second." I heard Thomas tell me, but I ignored him. I started getting up because this view is something that me, and my stomach were not enjoying. I felt my whole body get cold and tense as I tried to get up . My hands and feet started making more cracks in the glass as I got up. Pleas don't break I thought to myself. I managed to get on my feet not moving. Then I heard a scream getting closer and closer.

"No no no no!" I heard Thomas yell.
"Thomas help me!" I yelled as a crank jumped on me. Million things were going through my mind. Don't get bit, don't die and don't break the glass. "Help me Thomas!" Was all I yelled as I fought for my life against the crank. "Just hold on!" He yelled at me. The glass was cracking all around me as I tried get up. Then I felt one of the worst pains in my life. The crank manage to bite my leg, I immediately used my free leg to kick the crank off. Then Thomas jumped down and broke the glass causing the crank to fall and me to hold on to Thomas's hand. I was using all my strength to hold onto Thomas.
"Hold on." Thomas grunted as he pulled me up back inside the building. My heart made its way from my throat back to my chest as I landed back inside the building. "Thank you." I gasped. "No problem now let's get out of here." Thomas told me as he started to get up. We got up out of the building and I looked around to see where we were.

"Marcus's house isn't far from here we actually got pretty close to it." I told Thomas as I started walking towards these giant buildings. I completely forgot about my bite until I felt the pain rise up my leg. "Ow mmm." I said as I sat against a broken car.
"Hey are you alright?" Thomas asked me.
I rolled up my pants revealing the bloody bite mark on my left leg.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, let's go find the others." I cut Thomas off. He walked and I limped not talking about what just happened, but I guess that was okay because I manage to get a look at Thomas. His eyes were stunning and his build was not to bad either. A small smile started to appear on my face. Am I really starting to find this guy, Thomas attractive? Who I just met a couple hours ago. This isn't you Brenda but it's not so bad.

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