His Sunflower: Sweaty and Beautiful Is He

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i'M SO SORRY!!!!! >.<  

I finally got around to posting Chapter... 5? Yeah, 5.  
I've been super busy, and also, I got into other stories that are in my Google docs collecting dust...
WELL: Never mind that, Here is Chapter 5 and I hope you don't kill me! ;^; OH!!!
LEMON WARMING!  XD a few people asked for smut on this chapter so heeerrreee~!!

          Matthew blushed softly "I-Ivan" He chuckled softly and leaned against him.

          Ivan kissed his neck gently, "Why don't we go somewhere, where your little bare can't get protective~" he whispered against his ear making Matthew blush harder. 


Ivan lightly pushed Matthew to the bed and Matthew's back hit the mattress. "Oh Matvey~ You don't know how long I've waited for this from you~" He whispered in his ear and kissed his neck before kissing him deeply on the lips letting his tongue slide across his bottom lip acting for permision

Matthew's cheeks were full red as he opened his mouth inviting the Russian in, after he felt Ivan's tongue slide across his bottom lip. Matthew wrapped his arms around his neck to keep him held on tightly

Ivan held his little precious closer to his body while he explored the insides of his mouth. His eyes fluttered closed while he snaked a hand down to lightly grope his rear. Hopefully he wasn't coming on too strong for the other since he didn't want him to be uncomfortable around him.

Matthew's eyes slowly closed and his cheeks blush darker feeling the light groping, but he didn't stop him, or anything, he felt like he was melting in his lover's arms not wanting to moments to end, maybe wanting it to go father. The thought made him blush harder but he hoped Ivan's eyes were still closed.

Ivan smirked slightly as he pulled away from the kiss before going back in for more, this kiss being much more heated than the last one. Gently, he laid the Canadian down on the bed, being careful as to not break the kiss while he crawled on top of him.

Matthew took in a breath before the kiss was connected again feeling it heating up faster and more than the first, he felt his back being laid on the bed and Matthew kept his arms around Ivan's neck so the kiss wasn't broken

Ivan let out a soft moan into the kiss, tilting his head to the side a bit. He then broke it once again so that he could work on his neck, one of his hands roaming down the others small body. His eyes fluttered open and looked up at him to see his reaction.

Matthew's face was flushed red letting a quietly soft moan escape his lips keeping his eyes closed not knowing Ivan's was open. His longish curl on his head twitched slightly, Matthew felt it and was hoping it was unnoticeable.

Ivan smirked at the reaction he was getting and continued on with lavishing his neck with kisses along with a few love bites. His one roaming hand worked on getting his pants undone as he moved onto his collar bone.

Matthew lifted his head up feeling his lips on his neck, keeping his lips together as short soft moans escaped his closed lips, He slowly opened his eyes looking at the ceiling just to close his eyes again

Ivan pulled away from the Canadian's skin while he tore off his shirt, tossing it aside for now. His tongue running along his neck before moving down towards his chest where he lightly teased his nipples. A smirk grew on his face while he looked up at him, pretty much just asking him if he should continue or not.

Matthew's eyes tighten close as he moans a bit louder feeling the teasing, He puts his hands on the bed gripping the sheets gently, his face still slightly tainted with his blushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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