His Sunflower and The Psycho Sister

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N/A: New Chapter yay! ^-^ Um, There is this minor glitch in 1 or 2 sentences i can't change so please don't hate me for it! /~\

Matthew blushed lightly and sighs softly. The drawing was a bit torn from the pad because Alfred threw the note pad, So he just gave him the drawing, "I-I guess i'll go home" he said quickly backing his things after Ivan took the drawing.
Ivan blushed lightly. "O-oh..." he tore his eyes from the picture. "Wait."
Matthew's blush darkened but he didn't turn to face Ivan. "Y-yes?" he asked with his back still facing Ivan
Ivan gave it a go. "Why.. have you drawn.." 'me?' he finished mentally.
Matthew blushed harder, If possible. "I-i" he couldn't finish his sentence. He sighs and said his words fast and full of nervousness "IThinkIReallyLikeYouAndIAmJustScaredToAdmitIt"
Ivan turned red as Allen's (2p!America's) hair. He was silent for a few moments..... then gently grasped his shoulder and spun him around, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
Matthew's blush made him look like a tomato as he felt the other's lips on his forehead "I-Ivan?" he said a bit confused by his actions.
Ivan put a finger on the other male's lips. "I'm glad you feel that way."
Matthew looked into his eyes, his heart beating faster and faster
Ivan smiled gently, caressing his cheek with his thumb.
Matthew blushed a bit more until a loud BANG sound was heard, he quickly turned his head to see Natalia with her fist driven into the wall. "Uhh... Ivan.."
Ivan's eyes widen. He knew the first thing on his mind is to protct Matthew all he could. "I know..." he whispered quietly.
"Big brother..." she took her fist out the wall and slowly made her way towards them "What... are you doing?"
Ivan turned to face her and moved in front of Matthew. He would, try to, be brave for him. He took a deep breath. "Sestra.. I l-" her glare was killin his confident arua.
"What was that" she slammed her fist on the table "I don't think i heard you" She said looking up at Ivan Matthew started shaking behind Ivan feeling useless in this situation.
Ivan was undoubtedly somewhat freaked out but took a brave step closer. "L -leave me alone! You're my S-sestra and that's as far as things will go! " his voice was shaking slightly but he gained enough confidence to steady it out. He loved his sister, he really did. But not quite in that way.
She growls "But what is HE to you huh? Friend? Best friend? B-boyfriend?!?!" She said on the verge of tears, she glares at Matthew "You watch your back... big brother is mine" She growled and walked away her pace faster with each step.
Ivan reached a hand out, feeling guilt in the pit of his stomach and sighed, letting his arm fall to his side.
Matthew looks up at him "I-Ivan.. W-will she be ok? A-are you ok?" He asked still shaking a bit at her threat.
Ivan turned around, expression... gentle. "Will be okay," he confirmed softly, putting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him
Matthew was calmed down by his touch and sighs of relief. "Ok then. I-I'm sorry i caused all of this"
Ivan shook his head. "It is fine.." he pulled him close, burying his face into his hair, an expression of sad frustration taking its place on his features.
Matthew put his head on his shoulder, not really believing it was all fine, but he let it slide and just liked the quite between them, still scared of what Alfred or Natalia could do.
Ivan boldly wrapped his arms around the Canadian, looking down at him softly with half lidded eyes. He didn't know what was in store for them. But in that moment he promised himself he would fight for Matthew.

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