Chapter 11

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Steve pulls his blanket up to his nose, and looks over at the clock, which is still ticking, unfortunately.

Bucky shifts from his position on the other side of the couch, and breathes deeply into Steve's pillow. Steve notes down that he doesn't look comfortable at all. But hey, he's asleep.

Steve grudgingly stands up, trying his hardest not to wake Bucky, and walks silently down the hall.

His ma had said that there were two mattresses in the hallway cupboard, and since the couch isn't overly comfortable, this'll be better than sleeping on the floor.


Bucky opens his eyes when he hears someone moving around, and yawns, while shifting from his previous position.

His eyes then find Steve's, who is rolling out mattresses onto the floor.

Bucky sighs, and looks over at the TV, then back at Steve.

"You sure you don't wanna change out of those jeans?" Steve asks quietly, dragging his blanket and pillow down onto the ground.

"They have multi-purpose use." Bucky says back, and pulls himself onto the ground.

Steve opens his eyes momentarily to watch Bucky as he curls up on the mattress beside him, his hair sticking out in all different angles.

"I feel like red liquorice." Bucky whispers, his eyes opening.

Steve looks at him, and raises an eyebrow.

"We don't have any." Steve says back, and Bucky purses his lips.

"But I want some." Bucky replies, pouting slightly. Steve groans.

"Buck, we can get some tomorrow. Sleep now, liquorice later." Steve says, adjusting his pillow slightly.

"Not just liquorice, Steve. Red liquorice." Bucky whispers, and Steve opens his eyes with a sigh.

"Buck, please. Tomorrow." Steve tries.

"Put a jacket on. We're going on a trip." Bucky says, jumping up from his mattress and hurrying down the hallway.

Steve whispers his name into the darkness, and groans.

Steve rubs his eyes as he sits up, and feels a soft material hit him directly in the face.

Bucky stands at the doorway, grinning widely.

"Put that on. C'mon, I got your shoes." Bucky instructs, and Steve groans.

He holds the unidentified piece of clothing up, and realises that it's a black hoodie, with 'Barnes' on the back.

Steve pulls it on, and isn't surprised when it is way too big for him. But it's comfy, and warm, so Steve might steal it.

"What're we doing, Buck?" Steve asks, while yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"We're going to get red liquorice." Bucky states, as if that's the answer to the universe, and drops Steve's shoes on the ground.

"I don't even like red liquorice." Steve grumbles as he slides his shoes on.

Bucky gives him a horrified look, and clamps his hand over his heart.

"Abomination." Bucky mutters, shaking his head quickly.

He opens the door once Steve has his shoes on, and strides out, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Steve follows, and closes the door softly behind him, while Bucky leaps onto his Harley.

The wind whips his hood back, revealing his unruly mess of hair. The light from the moon shines down onto him so angelically, and Steve memorises the image, deciding he'll sketch it later.

"C'mon, Stevie." Bucky whispers, the spare helmet outstretched. Steve sighs, and trudges over to him.

"I shouldn't be doing this." Steve grumbles under his breath, pulling the helmet on and giving Bucky one last look.

"It'll be worth it, Stevie. I promise." Bucky whispers, and Steve nods, before climbing on.


Bucky pulls up at the nearest gas station, which is open 24 hours.

Bucky lets Steve climb off first, and follows suit, listening to Steve's angry muttering with a grin on his face.

Bucky strides inside, and salutes the cashier, before beginning the search for red liquorice.

Steve lingers along behind him, scanning shelves, and making rude gestures at the back of Bucky's head.

"A-ha!" Bucky shouts from an aisle away from Steve, holding up a packet of red liquorice.

"Perfect." Steve says sarcastically, and meets Bucky at the register.

"Red liquorice cravings, you know?" Bucky says, and the cashier chuckles to herself.

"That'll be four ninety nine." She says, eyes raking over Bucky's face, and Bucky pulls out a five dollar note while grinning.

The cashier smiles, and takes the money, while also scribbling down her number on a sticky note, and putting it right on the front of the packet of red liquorice.

She winks at Bucky, who smiles graciously back, and picks up the packet, before striding away.

"Keep the change!" Bucky calls from the door, and Steve follows.

The sticky note is screwed up and tossed in the bin, so Bucky can open his packet of red liquorice. He pops one into his mouth, and makes little 'mm' noises as he chews.

"Stevie, you haven't lived until you've had red liquorice." Bucky says, offering the bag to him.

Steve complies, and takes two pieces, before angrily eating one.

Bucky watches on expectantly, a weird little grin on his face. Steve's eyes soften, and he eats the other one too.

"Okay, so they're really good." Steve mutters, and Bucky laughs while slinging an arm around his tiny friend's shoulder.

"They're amazing." Bucky whispers, guiding Steve back to his Harley.

"I wouldn't say amazing, but they're good, okay?" Steve says, and Bucky sighs.

"Fine. Sure. Get your ass on the bike."

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