Chapter 15

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A/N: I give you: my favourite chapter. It's an apology for being terrible at updating.

I can't tell you how bashful I felt when I opened up my Wattpad account today to see 1K views. I love each and every one of you, and I hope you're enjoying my fic ❤️

They come to a stop atop of a hill, and the bike turns off with a gurgle and a pop. Bucky waits for Steve to dismount, which he does with as much gracefulness as he can muster, ultimately leading to Steve getting his foot caught up under the footrest and almost falling over. As Steve windmills his arms, having a minor freak-out beneath his oversized helmet, Bucky chuckles heartily and unhooks Steve's foot. Steve finds himself tumbling forward, but catching himself when his other foot finally touches the ground.

As Steve regains his balance and dignity, he slides his helmet off of his head and takes a better look at this spot Bucky's taken him to. Steve doesn't recognise it, but it has a large grassed area, with a beautiful, clear view of the town. One single tree sits right in the centre of space- a great willow tree, with a wooden bench beneath it. Steve notices that Bucky is already meandering over to the tree, his bag swinging at his side, his hair shining in the soft light from the setting sun.

Steve's heart beats a little faster, unsure of what to say or what to do to make up for what he's done. His speech has long since been forgotten, and any other ideas for a possible theatrical apology had gone along with it. Steve simply watches as Bucky ducks under the long, hanging branches of the tree, which brush along his spine as he makes his way to the other side. With his heart in his throat, Steve cautiously begins making his way over.

Bucky peers over at him from between the leaves hanging down from the willow tree, and from where he has sat himself on the bench. Steve mama he's to weave his way into the secluded area under the shade of the tree, and feels his face curve into a soft smile when he sees the bag of red licquorice Bucky is holding.

"Come sit your punk ass down, Rogers." Bucky says. There isn't any heat in the words, just a soft sort of fondness. Steve chuckles, and trudges over to the bench, his Converse squelching on the wet grass. He takes his bag off and grips it to his chest, before settling himself down heavily beside Bucky. Hesitantly, he glances at Bucky to find out that he's watching him intently. Bucky watches him often, Steve realises, and at times it's comforting, while at others it feels possessive.

"I, ah..." Steve begins, unzipping his bag, and carefully pulling his bag of red liquorice out. "I bought a peace offering." He says, and Bucky smiles at him fondly. It's reserved smile, one that he's only seen on Bucky's face when he's smiling at Steve.

"I'm so sorry, Buck." Steve lets loose. "I know I shoulda called, or at least have let you in, or I coulda posted a card." Bucky's turning to him fully now, all ears. "I was an asshole, I know that. I just-- I hope you wanna still have me around now. I can understand if you don't, and that's all okay. Not gonna keep me from making sure you're okay though. Because you're my best friend, Buck, and I wouldn't trade your friendship for the world, and I know--"
he's cut off by Bucky dragging him over into a hug, his firm arms wrapping around Steve's wiry frame. Bucky hefts one of his legs up onto the bench, and Steve buries himself closer to his best friend, and holding on tightly. Steve's legs shift a bit, making himself more comfortable, as he refuses to move his head from Bucky's shoulder. He takes deep breaths in, and refuses to break down and cry. Bucky's other leg moves up as well, caging him in. Steve doesn't mind. It's more comfortable this way.

Steve feels Bucky's head gently curve to the side, his breath ghosting through Steve's hair and tickling his neck.

"I forgive you." Bucky says softly, and Steve tries his best to not start sobbing right then and there by cuddling in closer. It's then that Steve realises their positition could be seen as a little intimate. And that they've been hugging for longer than is really necessary for a hug.

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