Chapter Thirty-Nine

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On the half-hour drive over, Sulli gave me more information on the mission.  No fancy flowers; we'd only have our wits to work with. Based on my brilliant break-in attempt the other night, my wits weren't exactly  something I was confident in. Especially when the mission relied on, well, me. I wished I'd had the foresight to realize that in the real world I'd need acting more than AP calculus, back when I loaded my schedule with adcademics. My guidance couselor had deceived me.

As we stepped onto the campus grounds, the buildings were made of gray stones, trying to appear old and gothic. But their sleek shapes confessed their modernity. Students milled about, and no one paid attention to us. I'd always thought I'd need a fake ID to fit in on a college campus, not pigtails. Who knew invisibilty was a perk of childhood?

We waited until a tour group of pospective students headed our way. "Right on time," Sulli said. She and Sehun slipped into the middle of the crowd. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd, secretly praying my acting wasn't as bad as my gardening. Or my cooking.

"This is the science lab," the college tour guide explained, using his arm like a pointer. Not hard to miss, in his hideous orange-and-lime-green striped top. "It was donated in -"

"What kind of experiments do they do here?" I tried to best to sound enthusiastic and play the part right, even though my voice quivered. I shot a big smile at the tour guide.

"All kinds. As I was saying, this building was donated in -"

"Do they study time travel to the future so I can get paid more." The guide waved us around the building and into a field, with several fences confining animals inside.

"This is the animal-science department." He gestured to the pens. "I'm partial to the pigs, but they don't let us tour them anymore." He leaned in conspiratorially. "Swine flu."

I made a big show of laughing at his terrible joke.

The guided continued the tour. I hung back so I could tie my shoes, and Sulli bent down to help me. Sehun lingered with us.

With our covered established - What? We were on the tour! Ask the tour guide! - we slipped out in the opposite direction to rescue a pig from the experiments.

=^_^= . . . =^_^=

A short update for today, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

*Sneak peak for the next chapter*

Sehun's hands froze, mid-tie. . . . . . . "I thought you told me everything." . . . . . ."I'm sorry."

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