Master Plan!

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(a/n i know i said votes and stuff but im bored.)

(Mika POV)

I slide down the door and cry, noticing the uncomfortable blonde in the room. Soon I compose myself and stand up, and walk over to Armin. The person who I thought recently hated me but loved me enough to let me go. I stop inches from his face, and take a deep breath before talking.

"I-I'm so sorry A-Armin, I thought you hated me... I understand now, I really do. I love you, and I will figure out who did this." I say, and kiss him before he can respond. It's full of lust and want, but ends too soon. I push out the door and run down the halls and outside where I see Marco and Levi sitting, waiting for me to come back.  "Can I see the note, please?" I ask and Marco pulls out his phone and opens up a picture of the note. I notice a phone number, so I dial the number in my phone a call.

"Hello?" I ask when the person picks up after a few rings.

"Who is this?" A deepish voice asks, and I decide to think quickly.

"My name is Muki Diez. May I ask who this is?" I say, using my real name, hoping no one notices.

"My name is Thomas, but why wouldn't you know you called me?" Thomas asks and I smile evilly.

"No reason, I just found the number and wanted to see who it was. Goodbye!" I quickly hang up, the evil smile never leaving my face. I look over at a confused Marco and Levi, before dashing home. Once I run inside, I grab the hardest thing I could find, a baseball bat. As I am walking outside Levi pulls me back inside as I scream. "Let me beat the little fucker!!!" I yell at him and bite his arm, but he just holds me in place.

"Who was it?" Marco asks as he removes the bat from my hands before I hurt anyone.

"Thomas. I'm gonna kill him!" I yell as Mikasa and Eren walk inside the house.

"What did Thomas do?" Eren asks as he sees the spectacle before him and my eyes almost flash red.

"The little bitch kidnapped me and told Armin he would kill me and his grandpa if he ever spoke to me again!" I scream as I attempt to escape Levi's iron grasp again. He keeps me in place as I flail around. Mikasa looks at me in astonishment and Eren is standing there like he is going to murder a whole town. Levi passes me over to Mikasa and grabs Eren, kissing him to calm him down. I finally give up struggling and go limp in Mikasa's arms.

"Hey Mika, why did you tell Thomas your name was Muki Diez?" Marco asks after I give up fighting. I look down in sadness, thinking of a reason before telling the truth.

"It's my real name. I changed it because I don't like being called Muki. It reminds me too much of my other life, my old life. So when I changed my name I felt like I was born into a new life, just with old memories." Everyone nods and Mikasa sits down, bringing me into her lap so I don't try and run off again. I look over and see Levi looking into Eren's eyes and mumbling sweet nothings to him. Marco is just standing there holding the bat, looking like he's debating of handing it to me again.

"So, what are we going to do about Thomas?" Mikasa asks once Eren calmed down, and I look at Levi with some hope that I will be able to beat some sense into the baka. He sighs but looks at me with a small nod.

"I have an idea that will allow Mika to get a little revenge on the douchebag." Levi then pulls everyone in a close huddle, telling us the master plan!

*time skip a few days*

For the last few days it's been like it has for a little bit now so Thomas doesn't suspect anything. I still walk around the school looking like I'm about to cry any moment with Levi and Marco by my side. I yelled at Armin again but Eren told him the plan, so he acted like he was really sad. Thomas doesn't suspect anything. Right now I'm waiting for him to walk out of the school building so I can get my revenge. A smile comes to my face, but I quickly wipe it away making it seem like tears. Thomas walks out and I start sniffling and making crying noises to get his attention.

"Mika, are you alright?" he asks as he walks by me, stopping in front of me and grabbing my shoulders. I partly jump as if surprised, but actually out of disgust. I just shrug and look down, hiding my hate. "Here, let me walk you home." I nod and he pulls me along after him, holding my hand tightly. When he isn't staring at him holding my hand, I stuck my tongue out at him and done so many things behind his back.

"Thanks Thomas, would you like to come in? Levi is working and Marco is with horseface..." a fake blush comes to my face, and I think I should be an actress when I grow up.

(ok, so this is the shortest chapter ive ever wrote. No one is reading this story, and I am seriously considering deleting it. Comment if you think I should continue, but if someone doesnt comment within two days I'm deleting the story. Sorry guys, I just feel like I'm talking to myself... Sory if u liked this story, I really don't though. I might just delete it anyway because someone once told me through a video that if you force yourself to do something you love, then you dont love it as much. I love writing, but I'm forcing myself to write this book...)

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